2011/2 (LIII)

2012/2 (LIII)


  • Tabita Landová 6

    Ein fröhliches Mahl. Die Abendmahlsliturgie der Brüder-Unität in der Zeit von Lukas von Prag und ihr theologisches Profil


    Zusammenfassung: Im Artikel wird die Gestalt, Struktur und das theologische Profil der Abendmahlsliturgie der Brüder-Unität auf Grund des Formulars von Lukas von Prag aus dem Jahre 1527 erforscht. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese Abendmahlsliturgie nicht nur an die taboritische Messe anknüpft, sondern auch mehrere liturgische sowie auch theologische Elemente der vorreformatorischen kirchlichen Tradition einbegriffen hat. Sie wurde nicht nur als Festmahl der Erwartung des kommenden Christi verstanden, wie es bei den Taboriten der Fall war, oder als eine Gedächtnisfeier aufgefass, wie es bei den Reformierten gewöhnlich war, sondern auch als ein gemeinsames fröhliches Mahl mit dem geistlich und sakramentlich gegenwärtigen Christus im Heiligen Geist gestaltet, wodurch die Gläubigen geistlich gespeist werden.


    Eucharist – Liturgy – Liturgics – Theology – Unitas Fratrum – Luke of Prague – 16th Century

  • Martin Kočí 30

    Origins of the Second Vatican Council and Yves Congar


    Vatican Council and his influence on Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, especially. Author makes an analysis of Congar’s own diaries from the time of the Council as well as other relevant historical sources. The paper is divided into three sections. First section points out short introduction to the main Congar’s pre-Conciliar theological works. Second section refers to general historical information about formation of Gaudium et Spes. Nevertheless, main goal of this part is to present Congar’s original contribution to Gaudium et Spes regarding his diaries where he summarized development of the Pastoral Constitution day by day. Analysis of Congar’s diaries discloses difficulties in the course of discussion about the relationship between the Church and the modern world, which is the main topic of the Pastoral Constitution. Apart from that, Congar’s diaries show courage of several Council Fathers and theologians with responsible dialogue the thought of the modern world of that time. Third section explores Congar’s theological interpretations of Gaudium et Spes after the Council. The goal of this paper is not only to offer historical information about origin and development of one of the most important Council document. Apart from that, author wants to open discussion about hermeneutics of the II Vatican Council regarding relevant historical sources.


    Yves Congar – Gaudium et Spes – II Vatican Council –Church – Modern World

  • Ivana Noble 51

    „Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path“: Critical Work with Pre-critical Methods in the Hermeneutics of John Breck


    The paper focuses on the hermeneutics of an Orthodox theologian John Breck and raises three questions: First, whether the often exaggerated conflict between allegory and typology could be overcome by expansion of the literal-historical meaning to include other ways of meaning possibly intended by the biblical authors. Second, how the spiritual-contemplative reading that was kept more firmly in sight by the pre-critical methods of interpretation could be recovered today. Third, what kind of synthesis between the pre-critical and critical methods of interpretation is possible if we want to maintain that the main attention should not be given to the text of the Bible as such but to the life-giving Logos and the vivifying Spirit testified by the text, so that the word of God could truly remain a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Ps 119:105).


    John Breck – hermeneutics – patristic exegesis – historiaand theôria – allegory and typology

  • Petr Jandejsek 63

    A God Who Enrols Himself Among the Poor: Assignment for the Church Today


    This article accesses the current religious situation in the Czech Republic and examines the phenomenon of a “churchless faith” in contrast to the traditional faith connected to churches. One expression of this type of faith without institutional boundaries can be found in some Czech theologians who work in a so-called post-christian context.


    Church and society – Secularization – Liberation Theology – Jan Štefan – Tomáš Halík – Odilo Štampach – František Lízna – Josef Zvěřina


  • Thomas A. Fudge 76

    Craig D. Atwood, The Theology of the Czech Bretheren from Hus to Comenius

  • Marek Říčan 83

    D´Costa, Gavin, Christianity and the World Religions. Disputed Questions in the Theology of Religions

  • Kateřina Bauer 88

    Ivana Noble, Theological Interpretation of Culture in Post-Communist Context: Central ane East European Search for Roots

Poslední změna: 11. červen 2017 11:21 
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