Rok/Year: 2007
Ročník/Volume: 13
Číslo/Issue: 2
Petr Pokorný | |
Lenka Karfíková, Michal Karas, Jindřich Veselý, Aleš Pištora | |
Jan Štefan | |
Hana Librová |
Překážky, diskuse, shody (o vztahu environmentalistů ke křesťanům) |
Irmgard Pahl |
Liturgie Večeře Páně v německých evangelických církvích v ekumenické perspektivě |
Vladimír Roskovec | |
Tabita Landová |
Recenze: Engemannova homiletika jako kritická teorie praxe kázání |
Jan Valeš | |
Pavol Bargár | |
Ivana Bargárová |
Autor: |
Petr Pokorný |
Abstrakt: |
Transofrmations in New Testament Research The present secularization of biblical studies does not mean they are in crisis, but is rather the opening up of a dialogue with a wider community of scholars. The projects of biblical theology brought only limited results since it depends on a theological reflection on the canonical status of individual texts, which is in fact a part of their impact in history. To avoid a circular argument we have to follow the development of theology in history. The research of recent years preferred the tradition of Jesus (e. g. Mk 4, SLk, Q, Gospel of Thomas) – the tradition of God’s revelation – to the tradition about Jesus’s fate and salvific death, which is the dominant teaching of the ecclesiastical tradition. In consequence Pauline theology is more appreciated in its ecclesiological implications than in its soteriology. And Jesus research is more “optimistic” and less “reluctant”. |
Citace: |
POKORNÝ, Petr. Proměny novozákonní vědy. Teologická reflexe. 13/2 (2007), s. 117-131. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Lenka Karfíková, Michal Karas, Jindřich Veselý, Aleš Pištora |
Abstrakt: |
Jan Patočka's Double Anniversary Due to his double anniversary in 2007, Jan Patočka (1907–1977), Czech philosopher and one of the first spokespersons for Charter 77, has attracted new attention among the Czech and international public. Teologická reflexe offers its readers two student essays written in the seminar Jan Patočka: Europe as the Care for the Soul organized in the summer term of 2007 at the Protestant Theological Faculty in Prague, and a report on the International Patočka Conference held in Prague in April 2007. In his essay Plato’s Care for the Soul according to Patočka’s Phenomenological Interpretation, Michal Karas summarizes the project of the care for the soul which in Patočka’s view was the very core not only of Greek philosophy but also of European thinking and culture. According to the phenomenological interpretation offered by Patočka, the soul seems to be the ability of human beings to search for the truth, to allow phenomena to become apparent and to transform reality (including political reality) by transcending it through freedom. Being not a given reality but rather a movement of freedom, the soul needs to be cared for in the Socratic dialogue searching for the real sense of all things. Dealing with the same topic, Jindřich Veselý shows more criticism of and doubts about Patočka’s concept. His paper The Care for the Soul according to Patočka and Its Criticism raises several questions about the real content of such a care for the soul, which avoids Platonic ideas, undervalues myth, and presents Greek philosophy and politics as the only basis for the European tradition. In his understanding, in contrast to Patočka, the author stresses the Jewish and Christian roots of Europe, whose care for the soul includes not only a rational search but also imagination, myth, and religion. Reporting on the International Patočka Conference, Aleš Pištora focuses on three topics representative of Patočka’s thinking that are still of interest for contemporary discussions: Patočka’s concept of Europe, his project of “asubjective phenomenology”, and his idea of religion concerning especially Christianity as a faith in God becoming immanent in human history. |
Citace: |
KARFÍKOVÁ, Lenka.; KARAS, Michal.; VESELÝ, Jindřich.; PIŠTORA, Aleš. Dvojnásobné jubileum Jana Patočky (1907–1977). Teologická reflexe. 13/2 (2007), s. 132-151. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Jan Štefan |
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Homádka's Christianity inThought and Life J. L. Hromádka wrote his most extensive book Křesťanství v myšlení a životě [Christianity in Thought and Life] in 1931 as a handbook of symbolism (Konfessionskunde). He prefaced chapters on the doctrines, confessions of faith, liturgy, spirituality, organisational structure, and political and cultural influence of Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism and the Protestant churches and denominations by a “short dogmatics” in the form of an interpretation of Jesus’s life and message and the origin and development of classical church dogma. Throughout it is mature Hromádka: erudite in liberal theology, informed on the latest developments in dialectic theology, rooted in Czech church life and in the activities of the European ecumenical scene, involved in the intellectual and political life of inter-war Czechoslovakia. The final chapter contains both a critique of the contemporary cultural scene and prospects for the future. We can see that the professor of systematic theology in Prague is concerned with more than information about Christianity in the past for orientation and interpretation of Christianity in the present – in his typical way he wanted to rouse Czech intellectuals who were alienated from the church into mak- ing their own decisions about God and the church. The basic metaphor of the book is not the return of the scattered sheep into a single sheepfold but the return of lost sons and daughters to the house of their father. This study was written as an introduction to the planned new edition of Christianity in Thought and Life and is dedicated to the memory of Milan Opočenský, Hromádka’s assistant for many years, who died at the beginning of this year. |
Citace: |
ŠTEFAN, Jan. Hromádkovo Křesťanství v myšlení a životě. Teologická reflexe. 13/2 (2007), s. 152-173. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Hana Librová |
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Barriers, Debates, Agreements (on the Realtionship Between Environmentalists and Christians) Christians and environmentalists don’t live in two parallel worlds, separated from each other. Their mutual interest has existed for years, but in reality their relationship has been stagnating. Environmentalists are motivated in their interest in Christian religion by their effort to orient themselves in a rapidly changing world and to find answers to the key question of man’s place in the world. They find Christianity appealing for pragmatic reasons as well. This article summarizes the main points of environmental critique of Christianity as well as some arguments that are commonly used in its defence. The work pays special attention to the discussion of anthropocentrism. The author proposes a distinction between the ontological, the knowledge-based (gnoseological) and value-based (axiological) types of anthropocentrism. The Christian-environmentalist debate is also beneficial in the realm of everyday lifestyle choices. The author closes with a surprising finding; some theologians are more sceptical about the future than the environmentalists themselves. |
Citace: |
LIBROVÁ, Hana. Překážky, diskuse, shody (o vztahu environmentalistů ke křesťanům). Teologická reflexe. 13/2 ( 2007), s. 174-191. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Irmgard Pahl |
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Die Abendmahlsliturgie der Evangelischen Kirchen Deutchlandes aus Ökumenischer Perspektive Herkömmliche Praxis und Schritte liturgischer Erneuerung In ihrer Gastvorlesung an der Evangelisch-theologischen Fakultät der Karlsuniversität in Prag rekapituliert Prof. Irmgard Pahl Schritte der liturgischen Erneuerung in den evangelischen Kirchen Deutschlands, wie diese in den neuen Gottesdienstbüchern Ausdruck fanden. Impulse dazu waren: die liturgiegeschichtliche Forschung, die Entdeckung neuer Quellen liturgischer Tradition der christlichen Frühzeit und die Inspiration durch andere liturgische Traditionen im Rahmen der ökumenischen Beziehungen und Berührungen. Diese Faktoren resultieren in eine Integration der Eucharistiefeier in den Wortgottesdienst, in die Tendenz zu häufigerer Abendmahlsfeier, in die Wiederentdeckung der Logik und des Wertes des eucharistischen Hochgebets. |
Citace: |
PAHL, Irmgard. Liturgie Večeře Páně v německých evangelických církvích v ekumenické perspektivě. Teologická reflexe. 13/2 (2007), s. 192-208. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Vladimír Roskovec |
Citace: |
ROSKOVEC, Vladimír. Recenze: Tomáš Petráček. Dva obrazy dějin katolické biblistiky. Teologická reflexe. 13/2 (2007), s. 209-212. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Tabita Landová |
Citace: |
LANDOVÁ, Tabita. Recenze: Wilfried Engeman. Einführung in die Homiletik. Teologická reflexe. 13/2 (2007), s. 212-214. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Jan Valeš |
Citace: |
VALEŠ, Jan. Recenze: Gil Bailie, Violence Unveiled, Humanity at the Crossroads. Teologická reflexe. 13/2 (2007), s. 215-217. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Pavol Bargár |
Citace: |
BARGÁR, Pavol. Recenze: Jakub S. Trojan. Kontrasty a alternativy. Teologická reflexe. 13/2 (2007), s. 217-219. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Ivana Bargárová |
Citace: |
BARGÁROVÁ, Ivana. Recenze: Douwe Draaisma. Metafory paměti. Teologická reflexe. 13/2 (2007), s. 220-222. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
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