2019/2 (25)

Cesty k velkému češství (nejen) z katolického hlediska


Ctirad Václav Pospíšil


Paths towards a Great Czech National Sentiment from a Catholic Viewpoint (and from others)

The article develops a theological reflection on the theme of Czech patriotism in connection with the ways it is seen by the various confessional traditions. It is a reaction to Pavel Hošek’s monograph devoted to the same issue published in 2018. The first part of the article draws attention to elements of Catholic ecclesiology that play a role in the discussion. The second section deals with Jesus’ patriotism seen as his great Jewish national sentiment, which is open to the universal horizons of the human race. The third part outlines the starting points for a Trinitarian theology of the nation as a people in the sense of Patočka’s great Czech national sentiment. The conclusion of the article stresses that Czech Christians and theologians of all confessions are faced with the urgent task of working on an ongoing national revival in the sense of Masaryk’s concept of patriotism derived from Jesus.


Pospíšil, Ctirad Václav. “Cesty k velkému češství (nejen) z katolického hledíska.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 2, 2019, s. 115–36.

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Bůh a zlo v pohledu procesuální teologie


Petr Macek


God and Evil in the View of Process Theology

If good and almighty God exists, why do we register genuine evil? Whiteheadian process theology wants to assist Christian theology with philosophical theism that interprets God’s sovereignty and God’s creative and providential activity as being more in accord with both our everyday experience and God’s self-revelation in Jesus Christ than either traditional theism or “free will” theism.


Macek, Petr. “Bůh a zlo v pohledu procesuální teologie.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 2, 2019, s. 137–147.

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Jak zkušenost vězení ovlivnila teologii a spiritualitu Nicolae Steinhardta?


Pavel Pola


How did Prison Experience Influence Theology and Spirituality of Nicolae Steinhardt?

The paper focuses on the experience of imprisoning in communist gulag of Romanian writer, intellectual and finally orthodox monk Nicolae Steinhardt (1912–1989). Steinhardt was born in Romany in Jewish family, studied law and literature, was persecuted by Nazis and in the 1960 at the age of 48 was condemned by Communists to 13 years of hard prison. There he accomplished his conversion to Christianity, was baptised and after four years was granted amnesty and released. For the last ten years of his life he entered the Orthodox monastery of Rohia and became monk. In his best known literary work The Journal of Happiness, an autobiography of 500 pages, Steinhardt describes his prison experience in the context of his whole life. He was so influenced and transformed by it that his theology is often called “prison-shaped”. His life and his writings offer inspiration for acting and deciding in difficult life situations, for keeping positive and constructive attitudes and for finding the way of freedom, joy and happiness anywhere and in any moment.


Pola, Pavel. “Jak zkušenost vězení ovlivnila teologii a spiritualitu Nicolae Steinhardta?” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 2, 2019, s. 148–67.

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Východiska a důsledky náboženské etiky Lva Nikolajeviče Tolstého


Jaroslav Polák


Foundations and Consequences of Leo Tolstoy’s Religious Ethics

In his later years, after his so-called Christian anarcho-pacifist turn, Leo Tolstoy wrote numerous essays presenting denunciations of all political violence, whether by dissidents or states. Although strongly, even literally inspired by Sermon on the Mount, his ethics and religious philosophy were based on inherently non-Christian concepts, especially because of his denouncement of God’s grace and redemption while insisting on the human ability to overcome sin through self-discipline. Though somewhat heroic, his effort turned up to be futile even on a personal level. This paper discusses Tolstoy’s philosophy of religion and ethics and – in comparison with the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer – shows, that true Christian ethics is possible only as an answer to God’s grace and redemption, but not as a way how to achieve them.


Polák, Jaroslav. “Východiska a důsledky náboženské etiky Lva Nikolajeviče Tolstého.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 2, 2019, s. 168–78.

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Bohoslužba českých a moravských evangelíků od toleranční doby do 20. století


Michal Chalupski


Worship of Czech and Moravian Protestants from the Period of Toleration to the 20th Century

Based on worship books, the article tries to present briefly the shape of worship in the milieu of Czech and Moravian Lutheran and Reformed Christians and later in the united Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB) and eventually to find sources which influenced their liturgical books. The research it presents, however, deals only with a segment of the existing materials. The Lutheran agendas are influenced, among others, by the official agenda of Vienna, used also by the Reformed preachers. In the Reformed liturgical books, some evidence of the influence from German or Hungarian milieu can also be discerned. The worship books used in this survey confirm that Czech and Moravian Protestantism was liturgically simple, with some exceptions. Especially in the united ECCB we observe attempts for liturgical renewal. Its latest book of service, Agenda Českobratrské církve evangelické (two volumes, 1983 and 1988) represents a high peak in this development. To some extent, the tradition of Czech Reformation is present in the worship books of all three mentioned church traditions.


Chalupski, Michal. “Bohoslužba českých a moravských evangelíků od toleranční doby do 20. století.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 2, 2019, s. 179–91.

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Ondřej Macek


Marriage Ceremonies

Citizens of the Czech Republic can currently choose whether to enter into a civil marriage or a religious one (i.e. one presided over by an authorised representative of one of the twenty-one churches and religious societies who have been granted this special right). Recent years have shown that pastors such as those of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren marry a number of non-members, who, for various reasons, are seeking an alternative to a civil marriage ceremony. This article attempts to present the religious wedding ceremony as a unique and positive opportunity to demonstrate the manifestation of divine love, which applies to everyone, in helping the engaged couple to understand and pass through one of the most crucial points in their lives.


Macek, Ondřej. “Svatba.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 2, 2019, s. 192–207.

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Poslední změna: 15. prosinec 2022 11:41 
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