2004/1 (10)

Pastýřská péče v poslední dekádě 20. století a na cestě dneškem


Ladislav Beneš


Pastoral care in the 1990s and its continuing development

The article continues a series in which the development of this field is sketched from its beginnings to the present. The field of pastoral care underwent rapid changes in the 1960s, in particular, as did homiletics and religious education. At that time theology opened itself up fully to the influence of the social sciences and poimenics adopted the methods of psychology and psychotherapy. This marked the start of a dispute between the adherents of “kerygmatic” and “counselling” pastoral care. In the last ten years, however, the confrontational tone has diminished and dialogue is taking place. On the one hand the use of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) methods has been fully accepted, and at the same time the question of theologically grounded foundations for pastoral conversations is being explored. Individually-oriented counselling is learning, under the influence of the latest theories, to understand people in the context of their relationships and at the same time to have them see their lives from a different perspective than their own. There is thus an increased interest in the history of pastoral care and a rediscovery of the work of Thurneysen. The fact that the situation has to some extent calmed down has provided favourable conditions for the preparation of new text books and studies in the field of special pastoral care.


BENEŠ, Ladislav. Pastýřská péče v poslední dekádě 20. století a na cestě dneškem. Teologická rexlexe. 10/1 (2024), s. 5-24.

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Reflexe víry a metafizika. Je theologie bez metafyziky možná?


Ladislav Hejdánek


Reflections on faith and metaphysics. (Is theology possible without metaphysics?)

The emergence and later development of Christian „theology“ were heavily influenced by Greek metaphysical thinking. In our days, on the other hand, metaphysical thinking has been shaken to its foundations and become untenable from a philosophical viewpoint. There is no reason why it should continue to survive in theology in spite of this. It is true that theology cannot be based on or derived from philosophy, but it cannot function without some sort of philosophical – and thus conceptual–apparatus. For this reason today’s theologians should follow with interest those attempts at philosophical thinking that aim to make a radical break with the old metaphysics (and its objectivisation of things that are completely non-objective), and to expand the understanding of reality to that which is “not yet” but “is coming”. Only then will it be possible to truly speak of “reflections on faith”.


HEJDÁNEK, Ladislav. Reflexe víry a metafizika. Je theologie bez metafyziky možná? Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 25-35.

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Harnack a Pelikan


Pavel Hanes


Harnack and Pelikan

Jaroslav Pelikan’s work The Christian Tradition has been acclaimed as „an indispensable point of departure for the continuing task of historical reconstruction“. Pelikan is here compared to the great Adolf von Harnack, the author of the monumental History of Dogma. The article compares the work of Harnack and Pelikan in four areas: (1) the definition of the term „dogma“, (2) the historical contingency of dogma (3) the Hellenisation of the Gospel and (4) the end of the history of dogma. Pelikan’s understanding of dogma is found to be less critical and more flexible than von Harnack’s. At the same time, it is more complex and, generally, more in line with the Reformation understanding of dogma.


HANES, Pavel. Harnack a Pelikan. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 36-56.

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Lukáš 16 - kompaktní rétorická jednotka


Jiří Lukeš


Luke 16 – A compact rhetorical unit

The purpose of the study is to present Luke 16 as continuous speech, which forms a ”compact rhetorical unit”. The structure (disposition) of this unit is based on two parables (Luke 16,1–8 and Luke 16,19–31), which are in an antithetic relation. The middle part (Luke 16,9–18) acts as an expository thesis to both parables, indicates to whom the parables are ad- dressed, and forms a “time” bond between the parables. Both parables begin with άνθρωπος (δέ) τις ήν πλούσιος..., which is typical for comparison using contradiction. The antithetic relation of these parables enables us to name them “The parable of the merciful rich man” and “The parable of the unmerciful rich man”. Verse 13 plays an important part in the rhetorical unit. It closes the cluster of aphorisms (verses 9b–13) and is the key to the understanding of both parables. Rhetorical criticism allows us to combine the text that has been split up by a series of titles in different translations and commentaries and to give more consideration to the position of the listener to / reader of Jesus’ (Luke’s) speech, who perceives the inner logic of the unit. The chapter thus takes on the form of an episode, in which Jesus speaks to the disciples and the Pharisees on his way to Jerusalem.


LUKEŠ, Jiří. Lukáš 16 - kompaktní rétorická jednotka. Teologická reflexe. 10/1 (2004), s. 57-81.

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Formovanie biblickeho kánonu


Andrea Korečková


The formation of the biblical canon

The formation of the canon of the Old and New Testaments as a standard norm is the result of a lengthy development that took place in several stages under similar circumstances. During this period some books assumed an immediate authority, while others, due to their content, re- mained contentious. Although the hypothesis of the development of the Old Testament in three stages is generally accepted, researchers remain divided on the question of when the third part of the Old Testament canon (and with it the canon as a whole) was closed. A further question concerns the canon that was used by Jesus and after him the early church. From the New Testament books it is clear that the Psalms and the Prophets had already acquired an authoritative character, but we also find in them quotations from deuterocanonical literature. Another issue that is touched on is the relationship between the canonical books and the writing of the apostles and church fathers that have been handed down. The viewpoint of the Catholic and Protestant churches with regard to the latter has remained different ever since the time of the Reformation.


KOREČKOVÁ, Andrea. Formovanie biblickeho kánonu. Teologická reflexe. 10/1 (2004), s. 82-90.

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Práce přijaté a obhájené v roce 2003

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