2007/1 (13)

Vztahy státní, národní a církevní složky v jeruzalémské církevní politice po roce 1967


Monika Šlajerová


The Relationship Between the National, State, and Church Emelents in Church Policy in Jerusalem after 1967

This article on church-state relations in Jerusalem after 1967 explores the evolution of the political stance of the traditional churches in Jerusalem regarding the issue of Israeli occupation and Palestinian nationalism. The article demonstrates the gradual move from the so-called “apolitical” church position towards an outspoken and ecumenically shared pro-Palestinian position starting with the first Intifada. The first part of the article explores Israeli state policy towards the churches mainly in terms of the “divide and rule” strategy. It then shows how the newly-formed ecumenical centers of political and theological reflection and also the process of Palestinization of the hierarchy helped the growth of national awareness among the churches. The second part draws attention to the results of the shift in church policy during the first Intifada period. It stresses the importance of interdenominational coordination and of issuing common statements such as the Jerusalem Memorandum in 1994. In the final part the author chooses some important church events to illustrate the basic developments in the main Latin and Greek-Orthodox churches in the post-Oslo period. Throughout the article, the controversies over land and incidents such as the occupation of St. John’s Hospice and the effect of the Camp David 2000 Summit are taken as in-detail examples of the politically and existentially difficult situation of the churches and Christian communities in Jerusalem.


ŠLAJEROVÁ, Monika. Vztahy státní, národní a církevní složky v jeruzalémské církevní politice po roce 1967. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 5-31.

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Božie Slovo ako vzor a zdroj ľudského života s Bohom


Ľubomír Batka


Gottes Wort als Vorbild und Quelle des Menschlichen Lebens mit Gott. Die Beziehung Zwischen Chritologie und Soteriologie

Die Frage, wie das Heil und die Rettung des Menschen in der Person Jesu Christi stattfindet bildet ein zentrales Thema der christlichen Theologie. Das Chalcedonense und spätere hamartiologische Bestimmungen sind Bemühungen, die Bedeutung des Todes Jesu Christi rechtfertigungstheologisch zu deuten. Eine durchdachte theologische Antwort bietet Anselm von Canterbury in seiner Schrift „Cur deus homo“. Er versucht der Zweinaturenlehre Christi und der Erbsündenlehre Rechung zu tragen, wenn er Christi Tod als freien Entschluss des sündenlosen Sohnes Gottes für schuldige Menschen deutet. Verhaftet jedoch in augustinischer Signifikations-Hermeneutik wird das Leben Christi in Anselms System nur im abgeleiteten Sinne die Quelle für das neue Leben des Christen. Viel mehr bietet Christus ein Beispiel, dem zu folgen ist.

Im Unterschied dazu scheut es Luther nicht, in seiner Theologie die Christologie des Chalcedon konsequent zu denken. In der Inkarnation, im Leben und am Kreuz ist das inkarnierte Wort Gottes am Wirken. Anhand von R 5,8–10 kann gesagt werden, dass Gott selber in Christus die Feindschaft des Menschen überwindet und somit am Kreuz und in der Auferstehung das Heil verwirklicht. Im Abschluss wird in der Analyse gezeigt, dass die lutherische Theologie den Tod Christi als einen Akt der göttlichen Liebe sieht und die Beziehungen zwischen Vater und Sohn, Gott und Mensch als kommunikativen fröhlichen Austausch deutet und nicht als Rache des zornigen Vaters, der erst beim Anblick des Toten am Kreuz zur Versöhnung einwilligt.


BATKA, Ľubomír. Božie Slovo ako vzor a zdroj ľudského života s Bohom. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 32-45.

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Věda o náboženství v pojetí Wilfreda Cantwella Smithe


Pavel Hošek


Between Theology and Religious Studies: Wilfred Cantwell Smiths Concept of the Academic Study of Religion

In this article the author analyses several important methodological revisions in the area of religious studies as proposed by Wilfred Cantwell Smith. In his most influential writings Smith traces the history of several key notions and terms used in the academic study of religious traditions. In particular, Smith analyses the development and semantic transformations of such concepts as religion, faith and belief. Instead of the misleading term religion Smith proposes two complementary terms: personal faith and cumulative tradition. These two terms reflect the polarity of the subjective and objective aspects of religion. Smith emphasizes especially the often neglected subjective dimension of religion.

He also argues that a scholar’s own humanity should play an important role in his or her academic work, especially in the following ways. It is only because they share in a common humanity that scholars are able to understand the human meaning of religious symbols. Moreover, if possible, scholars should enter into a personal, dialogical interaction with the practising adherents of the tradition they are studying. And finally, religious studies can and should play an important role in global intercultural understanding and communication, and scholars should accept their share of responsibility in this regard. Some of Smith‘s proposals have been widely accepted, while some have been criticized for confusing the distinction between religious studies and the theology (or philosophy) of religion.


HOŠEK, Pavel. Věda o náboženství v pojetí Wilfreda Cantwella Smithe. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 46-59.

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Krize evropské společnosti, sebevražda a etika u T. G. Masaryka


Pavel Keřkovský


The Crisis of European Society, Suicide and Ethics in the Work of T. G. Masaryk

Masaryk analyses the rising incidence of suicide in Europe during the course of the 19th century. He considers the reason for a large number of the suicides to be a loss of reverence for God, which is one of the causes of spiritual and moral indifference among both the educated and the non-educated. Masaryk speaks of the spiritual crisis of people in the modern world, a crisis which many famous scholars paved the way for through their wellknown works and attitudes towards life. This is why throughout his life Masaryk analyses the work of great writers, dramatists and poets, criticises the way in which they undermine humanitarian and religious values, and rejects their advocacy of suicide. He sees the First World War as a logical result of the spiritual at- mosphere in the 19th century. In terms of philosophy, Masaryk follows up the Anglo-Saxon empirical tradition exemplified by Hume; evaluates critically Comte’s positivism; appreciates the biblical concept of reverence; and understands Jesus as an ethical genius, who has the proper reverence for God. He thinks highly of those schools of thought in Christianity that lead to an ethic of responsibility and move away from a eudaimonic ethic. For this reason he had a high regard for the Czech and world reformations. He appreciates the tendency towards plurality, in other words towards sectarianism, in Christianity. In Masaryk’s view, it is thanks to sectarianism that Christianity became a world religion, because it is capable of appealing to different types of people. From its beginnings, Christianity has had a tendency towards plurality, and this is why it teaches tolerance and respect for others (1 Cor. 11:19). It is in this way that a responsible humanitarian attitude is born.


KEŘKOVSKÝ, Pavel. Krize evropské společnosti, sebevražda a etika u T. G. Masaryka. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 60-76.

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Problém identity a marginalizace u Adorna a Lévinase


Ivana Noble


Problems of Identity and Marginalisation in Adorno and Lévinas

Both Theodor Adorno and Emanuel Lévinas criticised the western concept of identity as a construct that protected the privileged position of the “I” or the “we” that was defined by it, and marginalized the others left outside this identity. While Adorno’s “negative dialectics” aimed at the rehabilitation of what was not part of the identity, what was either suppressed or destroyed by the identity projection, Lévinas’s philosophical ethics went even further and placed at the centre of “my” or “our” identity precisely those who were marginalised by it, the particular people who were deprived of their voices, reduced to non-being, killed in different ways. This article analyses and compares Adorno’s and Lévinas’s criticisms of the totalising identity and asks which of their insights, which were largely expressed against the background of post-Nazi Europe, could be applied when we look at our post-Communist situation. It asks questions concerning the applicability of their alternatives to a move beyond the individual and collective complex of superiority and a violent life at the expense of victims.


NOBLE, Ivana. Problém identity a marginalizace u Adorna a Lévinase. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 77-89.

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Recenze: Pavel Filipi. Pozvání k naději. Kapitoly o homiletické hermeneutice a exegesi


Jan Roskovec


ROSKOVEC, Jan. Recenze: Pavel Filipi. Pozvání k naději. Kapitoly o homiletické hermeneutice a exegesi. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 90-92.

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Recenze: Edita Štěříková. Exulantská útočiště v Lužici a Sasku


Pavel B. Kůrka


KŮRKA, Pavel B. Recenze: Edita Štěříková. Exulantská útočiště v Lužici a Sasku. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 92-93.

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Recenze: Petr Pokorný. Hermeneutika jako teorie porozumění, od základních otázek jazyka k výkladu bible


Pavel Keřkovský


KEŘKOVSKÝ, Pavel. Recenze: Petr Pokorný. Hermeneutika jako teorie porozumění, od základních otázek jazyka k výkladu bible. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 94-97.

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Recenze: Novozákonní apokryfy III: Proroctví a apokalypsy


Petr Kitzler


KITZLER, Petr. Recenze: Novozákonní apokryfy III: Proroctví a apokalypsy. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 97-99.

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Recenze: Gerd Theissen. Die Jesusbewegung. Sozialgeschichte einer Revolutionder Werte


Ficzere Tamás


TOMÁS, Ficzere. Recenze: Theissen, Gerd. Die Jesusbewegung. Sozialgeschichte einer Revolution der Werte. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 99-101.

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Recenze: Problémy teologie Sbírky


Petr Pokorný


POKORNÝ, Petr. Recenze: Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk. Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007), s. 102-104.

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Recenze: Bruce Manning Metzger (1914–2007)


Peter Cimala


CIMALA, Peter. Recenze: Bruce Manning Metzger (1914–2007). Teologická reflexe. 13/1 (2007). s. 105.

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