2001/2 (7)

Starozákonní teologie v éře moderny: retrospektiva při 100. výročí narození G. von Rada.


Martin Prudký


OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY IN THE MODERNIST ERA - a Review of the Life and Work of Gerhard von Rad to mark the 100th anniversary of his birth

Gerhard von Rad (1901-1971) is considered to be one of the most important biblical scholars of the twentieth century. Through his critical approach to the history of tradition and his conception of biblical theology as a dialogue between varying traditions within the biblical canon, he helped to overcome the legacy of positivist historicism and doctrinaire systems in biblical theology. Paradoxically, when we now look back from a distance of several decades we have to say that a number of von Rad’s basic hypotheses are no longer valid (the amphyctionic structure of Early Israel with annual treaty-renewal festivals located in the sanctuary at Shekem; the question of the provenance, date and function of the so-called deuteronomical “Historical Creed”; the hypothesis of the origin of apocalypticism in wisdom traditions, etc.). But the greatness of scholars is not measured by whether they formulate “eternal truths”, but by whether they provide a credible and inspiring response to the problems and challenges of their time and help research in their field to advance. In this respect von Rad is an inspiring and exemplary figure, representative of the most important twentieth-century struggles in German Old Testament scholarship.


Martin Prudký. "Starozákonní teologie v éře moderny: retrospektiva při 100. výročí narození G. von Rada." Teologická reflexe. 7/2 (2001), s. 101-124.

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Karel Barth: osobní zaujetí


Alasdair I. C. Heron



In his visiting lecture delivered at the Protestant Theological Faculty in Prague, presented here in abridged translation, the reformed professor of dogmatics in Erlangen tries to cover in short Barth’s contribution to dogmatic theology and his enduring significance. Dealing mainly with the first and easier question he begins with a biographical retrospect - not Barth’s but his own, as Barth played an important role in the whole of his theological career. He had already heard Barth’s name as a schoolboy from his father, became acquainted with Barth’s work mainly during his studies under T. F. Torrance and met a fading echo of Barth’s impact in Germany in the 80’s, after coming to teach there. Heron sees Barth’s main contribution as finding a relevant and lively theology of the Word of God. In pursuing it Barth was able to reformulate and cast fresh light upon many of the central themes and issues of Christian dogmatics. Among them Heron mentions the theme of divine election and reprobation grasped christologically, moving the theme of the Fall and sinfulness from prolegomena and treating them as a reflection of the achieved reconciliation and integrating the topics of creation and covenant. There are also caveats resulting from Barth’s style: a danger of keeping aloof from dialogue with other disciplines of human thought, sometimes a very peculiar exegesis and a tendency towards individualism and Congregationalism in his ecclesiology and theology of sacraments. As for the enduring legacy of Barth, Heron lets the master speak for himself, quoting the closing passage from his “Selbstdarsteliung” (1964).


Alasdair I. C. Heron. "Karel Barth: osobní zaujetí." Teologická reflexe. 7/2 (2001), s. 125-131.

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Husova Československá Evangelická fakulta bohoslovecká a Univerzita Karlova do roku 1939: přispěvek k dějinám Evangelické teologické fakulty


Martin Vaňáč



The study traces, with the help of archive materials, the unsuccessful attempts to incorporate the newly founded Faculty (1919) into Charles University. It shows that the majority of University Schools held a positivist view of theology, trying to separate it from the University as unscientific. It resulted in a paradoxical state of things when the Catholic Theological Faculties (both Czech and German) were under perpetual threat of exclusion and every attempt by the Protestant Theological Faculty initiated another round of discussion with the same result: no new theological schools will be incorporated into the University and the existing ones should be separated. This happened, however, as late as 1950, when the Communist regime excluded theology not only from the University but from the whole public educational system.


Martin Vaňáč. "Husova Československá Evangelická fakulta bohoslovecká a Univerzita Karlova do roku 1939: přispěvek k dějinám Evangelické teologické fakulty." Teologická reflexe. 7/2 (2001), s. 132-154.

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Liturgie a Bible


Helmut Schwier



Die Benutzung der Bibel im Gottedienst ist grundsätzlich dreierlei: als Bekenntnisbuch, Erbauungsbuch und Quellenbuch. Mit Hilfe dieser Grundunterscheidung wird das Wort-Antwort Schema des Gottesdienstes als teilweise überwunden gefunden: Die Bibel ist nicht nur eine Quelle, aber wird auch kreativ-inovativ und regulativ (Lesung, Auslegung) benutzt. Grosse Hilfe leistet hier das Konzept G. Theißens durch die Analyse und Konstruktion „elementarer Grundmotive“ in der Bibel. Im Schlußteil werden dann Kriterien der Biblizität der Liturgie festgelegt und behandelt.


Helmut Schwier. "Liturgie a Bible." Teologická reflexe. 7/2 (2001), s. 155-166.

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Ekonomické myšlení Jana Kalvína o vlastnictví a solidaritě ve společenství


Tomáš Evan



Calvin’s views of human economic activities are interpreted here in five sections. The fact that Calvin takes wealth and the whole institution of private property as God’s gift and therefore for granted, is discussed in the first section. Calvin’s view on the difference between physical and spiritual richness and the superiority of the latter is described in the second part. The order in the society is derived by John Calvin from the existence of property and it can be broken in two ways: either (a) by the rich and powerful who oppress the poor or (b) by the poor trying to rebel against the rich . To prevent it Calvin suggests the promotion of free and fair contracts among people. In the last section, Calvin’s view of the ideal attitude of both rich and poor is presented. Solidarity and justice in the community is the way to a prosperous Christian society.


Tomáš Evan. "Ekonomické myšlení Jana Kalvína o vlastnictví a solidaritě ve společenství." Teologická reflexe. 7/2 (2001), s. 167-177.

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