Rok/Year: 2010
Ročník/Volume: 16
Číslo/Issue: 2
Pavel Filipi |
Hledání liturgické tváře. Církev českobratrská evangelická v 1. polovině 20. století |
Petr Sláma | |
Jan Štefan | |
Petr Macek | |
Peter C. A. Morée | |
Lenka Karfíková | |
Miroslav Pacifik Matějka OFMCap. | |
Andrea Korečková | |
Jana Nechutová |
Recenze: Jan Malura: Písně pobělohorských exulantů (1670-1750) |
Petr Pokorný |
Recenze: Ladislav Tichý - Dominik Opatrný (eds.): Apoštol Pavel a Písmo. Sborník z konference |
Petr Macek |
Recenze: Jaroslav Vokoun: Postkritický proud v současné angloamerické teologii |
Lenka Karfíková | |
Monika Zaviš |
Autor: |
Pavel Filipi |
Abstrakt: |
DIE SUCHE NACH EINEM LITURGISCHEN PROFIL Der Zusammenschluss zweier tschechischer reformatorischer Kirchen - der reformierten und der lutherischen - im Dezember 1918 liess die Frage entstehen, ob oder wie sich die „Konsensunion“ der neuen Kirche (Evangelische Kirche der Böhmischen Brüder) auch auf die liturgische Gestaltung auswirken wird, d. h. ob beide liturgische Traditionen nebeneinander weiter bestehen bleiben oder irgendwie zusammenfliessen werden. Ein damit beauftragter Ausschuss, der verschiedene Vorschläge sammelte, hat zwei Entwürfe der Gottesdienstordnungen veröffentlicht (1925, 1932) und zur Diskussion vorgelegt. Das Ergebnis war das von der 8. Synode angenommene Gottesdienstbuch (Kniha modliteb a služebností, 1939). Es handelt sieh keineswegs um eine Synthese, sondern um einen ziemlich farblosen Sondertypus. Die lutherischen Elemente sind weitgehend unterdrückt, aber auch eine „klassische“ reformierte Liturgieform ist nur bescheiden, undeutlich präsent. - Eine Befragung der Gemeinden durch die Kirchenleitung i. J. 1935/6 hat gezeigt, dass die ehemals lutherischen Gemeinden relativ schnell und meistens reibungslos ihre liturgischen Sondertraditionen aufgegeben haben. |
Citace: |
FILIPI, Pavel. Hledání liturgické tváře. Církev českobratrská evangelická v 1. polovině 20. století. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 118-124. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Petr Sláma |
Abstrakt: |
THE HIDDEN (ROMAN-CATHOLIC) CHURCH AS PERCEIVED BY CZECH PROTESTANTS In this survey Protestant perception of the underground Roman-Catholic church around Bishop Felix Maria Davidek established in parallel way with the official Church during the Communist regime in former Czechoslovakia is evaluated. Similarities with 15"’ century Hussite movement on the one hand and with German Confessing Church of the Nazi era on the other hand are noted. The core of inspiration for Czech protestants seems to be the communal form of liturgy practiced by the underground Church. |
Citace: |
SLÁMA, Petr. Skrytá církev v pohledu českých evangelíků. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 125-138. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Jan Štefan |
Abstrakt: |
ALS ÖKUMENISCHER ERFAHRUNG GESCHRIEBEN, IN EVANGELISCHER ERFAHRUNG GELESEN Zur Katholischen Dogmatik von Otto Hermann Pesch. Der Rezensionsartikel befasst sich mit dem Band I der „Katholischen Dogmatik“ von O. H. Pesch. Was der Rezensent besonders beachtet, sind: ( I.) fundamentaltheologische Zuspitzung dieser Dogmatik und (2.) theologische Mehrsprachigkeit ihres Verfassers. Ad 1: Ungewöhnlich ist schon die Reihenfolge der Haupttraktate (von der Christologie über die Anthropologie und Schöpfungsichre zur Gottes- und Trinitätslehre) und noch mehr die stets gegenwärtigen fundamentaltheologischen Aspekte der Darstellung und Deutung der klassischen dogmatischen Materie. Ad 2: Pesch spricht zwar nicht „ökumenisch“, sondern seine Muttersprache, „katholisch“ (er ist vernunft freudig, traditionsgebunden, denkt perspektivistisch), doch er beherrscht sehr gut seine zweite Sprache, „evangelisch“ (simul fidelis et infidelis, leeres Grab, Jungfrauengeburt). Zum Schluss werden Peschs zahlreiche Übersetzungen ins Tschechische genannt (Bücher, Vorträge, Auszüge aus seinen Werken in mehreren katholischen und evangelischen theologischen Zeitschriften). |
Citace: |
ŠTEFAN, Jan. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 139-151. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Petr Macek |
Abstrakt: |
DIALOGUE BETWEEN LITERATURE AND THEOLOGY: JOHN UPDIKE AND KARL BARTH This is an essay on the remarkable relationship of the late American novelist John Updike to the Swiss Protestant theologian Karl Barth. Updike has occasionally admitted his spiritual indebtedness to Barth and the theologian’s influence is manifested in some of his novels where he is creatively using Barth's thoughts and insights. And vice versa: In some of his book reviews Updike has proved to be knowledgeable of Barth’s theological methods and of the concerns of Christian theology as such. The resulting dialog between the ministry of the Word and the mastership o f belle arts is impressive and fruitful. While Updike’s use of Barth has been previously noticed and commented by some reviewers, his insightful and critical interpretation of the theologian’s efforts and concerns has not yet been fully appraised. |
Citace: |
MACEK, Petr. Beletrie a bohosloví v dialogu: John Updike a Karl Barth. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 152-161. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Peter C. A. Morée |
Abstrakt: |
THE ATTITUDES OF THE GERMAN PROTESTANT CHURCH IN BOHEMIA, MORAVIA AND SILESIA TOWARDS NAZISM The fate of a pastor of partly Jewish origin in the years 1936-1946. Between 1918 and 1939 most churches in Czechoslovakia defined itself ethnically. The German Evangelical Church in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia worked among the German minority in the country. It ceased to exist as a consequence of the expulsion of the Czech Germans after the 2nd World War. In circles of Czech Protestants this church is seen as very nationalist in its orientation, or even identifying itself with National Socialism. This article examines the case of a pastor of the German Evangelical Church, who was partly of Jewish descent and comes to the conclusion that the leadership of the church had a critical view on the theological positions of the Deutsche Christen and used arguments for its orientation which were effectively close to those of the Bekennende Kirche. |
Citace: |
MORÉE, Peter C. A. Postoje Německé evangelické církve v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku k nacismu. Osud faráře částečně židovského původu v letech 1936-1946. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 162-176. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Lenka Karfíková |
Abstrakt: |
DERRIDA’S “DIFFERANCE” AND ITS ANTIQUE COUNTERPART Jacques Derrida introduces his neologism “differance” (opposed to the usual French term “difference”) to refer to the movement of differing, present as an invisible, effaced trace in the difference as its result. “ Differanee”, a “play of trace”, has no given subject but constitutes any subject as its effect. Derrida seems to be aware that his description of “differance” comes close to “chora,” the receptacle of forms in Plato’s Timaeus. However, “chora” reflecting in its irregular movement the intelligible paradigm of the sensible world does not produce but presupposes the forms in their differences. According to Aristotle’s statement, the Platonic forms depend on two principles: the “one” and the pair “big-small” (the later replacing the Pythagorean apeiron). Both these principles together, not only the second one (corresponding to Derrida’s “differance”), constitute the discernable plurality while at the same time being hidden in it and never presenting themselves as such. Consequently, only both of these principles together enable thinking and should be treated as complementary. |
Citace: |
KARFÍKOVÁ, Lenka. Derridova differänce a její antický protějšek. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 175-182. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Miroslav Pacifik Matějka OFMCap. |
Abstrakt: |
THE JERUSALEM BIBLE: INTERPRETATIVE REMARK ON MARK 7:31 The author evaluates Catholic tradition of the biblical translation developed up to now after the World War Two and compares it with the new Czech edition o f The Jerusalem Bible, prepared by care of Mr. and Mrs. Halas accompanied with a large collective of co-workers. After a general overview o f the existing Catholic translations of the Bible, author analyses of one chosen verses from the New Testament, by which he illustrates, in comparison to other translations of the Bible, his critical attitude to the qualities of this new Bible translation of The Jerusalem Bible. Compared to The Jerusalem Bible wording, proposed analysis based on a linguistic and literature-geographical survey brings an alternative reading of the text of Mark 7:31. |
Citace: |
MATĚJKA, Miroslav Pacifik OFMCap. Jeruzalémská Bible: překladová poznámka k Markovi 7,31. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 183-189. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Andrea Korečková |
Abstrakt: |
THE ORIGIN AND FORMATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON The purpose of this article is to clarify the first phase of the canonization process of the New Testament. In the life of the early church the Jewish Bible played an important role. It represented the pre-history of Jesus Christ. Gradually, it became the Word of God interpreted in a Christian sense. The New Testament canon was created after that the kingdom of God did not come during the lifetime of Jesus’ contemporaries. The main prerequisite for this process was the Mark’s Gospel which became Christian liturgical reading and included the life and teaching of Jesus as well as the oldest testimonies of faith. The Gospel should protect the Easter proclamation from enthusiastic misinterpretation. |
Citace: |
KOREČKOVÁ, Andrea. Vznik a utváranie novozmluvného kánonu. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 190-200. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Jana Nechutová |
Citace: |
NECHUTOVÁ, Jana. Recenze: Jan Malura: Písně pobělohorských exulantů (1670-1750). Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 201-204. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Petr Pokorný |
Citace: |
POKORNÝ, Petr. Recenze: Ladislav Tichý - Dominik Opatrný (eds.): Apoštol Pavel a Písmo. Sborník z konference. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 205-207. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Petr Macek |
Citace: |
MACEK, Petr. Recenze: Jaroslav Vokoun: Postkritický proud v současné angloamerické teologii. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 207-210. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Lenka Karfíková |
Citace: |
KARFÍKOVÁ, Lenka. Recenze: Jakub Čapek: Jednání a situace. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 211-215. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Monika Zaviš |
Citace: |
ZAVIŠ, Monika. Recenze: Terézia Rončáková: Keď chce církev hovořit’ mediálnym jazykom. Prienik náboženského a publicistického štýlu. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 16/2 (2010), s. 216-222. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
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