2000/2 (6)

Sémiotika a Bible: Pařížská škola


Daniel Larangé, Jan Dušek



The article gives a very brief description of the exegetical approach to the Bible linked to literary structuralism that is being developed in the Francophone world, concentrating primarily on the “Paris school”. This approach is based on the work of Ferdinand de Saussure, Roman Jakobson, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and above all A.J. Greimas and R. Barthes. The first part of the article gives a brief outline of the historical development of the semiotic approach to biblical exegesis from its beginnings at the end of the 1960s. The second part deals with the contribution made by the semiotic approach to biblical exegesis. In conclusion, the article attempts to situate this approach in the context of biblical hermeneutics.


LARANGÉ, Daniel a Jan DUŠEK. Sémiotika a Bible: Pařížská škola. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 101-115.

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Posvátný obraz a Jednota bratrská


Ota Halama



The problem of holy pictures and their veneration has an important position in the research of the Czech reformation. The Taborites and some Prague radicals refused the use of them in the praxis of the Church and we can find cases of iconoclasm in their history. The conservative Utraquists tolerated and came close to approving the veneration of holy pictures. The Unity of the Czech Brethren is a child of Utraquism on the one hand, and of the Taborites on the other. They accepted the attitude to holy pictures from the Taborites and the way of handling them from the Utraquists. That is why we cannot find any ease of iconoclasm during the whole existence of the Brethren, whereas in the praxis of the Taborites, and of the radical Utraquists such cases can he found. Three phases can be clearly distinguished in the development of the Brethren attitude: silence at the beginning, followed by a period of refining their standpoint in polemical works and finally a period when the theory is translated into praxis. It can be rightfully said that in the life and teaching of the Unity we can find a fulfillment of the ideas of one of the “predecessors” of John Hus - Matthias of Janov.


HALAMA, Ota. Posvátný obraz a Jednota bratrská. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 116-123.

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Hlubinně-psychologická exegeze Eugena Drewermanna a evangelický výklad Písma


Jörg Frey



Dieser Aufsatz ist eine kurze Zusammenfassung wesentlicher Kapitel der Monographie des Verfassers: J. Frey, Eugen Drewermann und die biblische Exegese, WUNT 11771, Tübingen 1995.


FREY, Jörg. Hlubinně-psychologická exegeze Eugena Drewermanna a evangelický výklad Písma. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 124-144.

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České církve v krizi roku 1938 a v době německé okupace


Josef Smolík



The article reviews the situation of Czech Christianity before World War II and the attitudes of Christians and churches during the occupation. The political crisis obviously brought the different churches closer together in their defense of democratic principles and human dignity, based on their theological position. Only a small group of conservative Catholics fell prey to the idea of ihe Holy empire of the German nation which would include a Czech enclave. The Catholic resistance took place predominantly in the sphere of diplomacy and intelligence service, while the Protestant resistance was more connected with illegal structures and armed struggle (e. g. assassination of Heydrich). The dominant attitude of the Czech churches was that of human and ecumenical solidarity and truthfulness to humanistic and democratic traditions.


SMOLÍK, Josef. České církve v krizi roku 1938 a v době německé okupace. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 145-158.

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Hospodin a (jeho?) Ašera (probíhající reorientace starozákonní biblistiky)


Ondřej Stehlík



This article contains a transliteration, Czech translation and basic discussion of epigraphic materials from Kirbet-el-Kom and from Kuntillet Arjud. These epigraphic materials are invoking YHWH for blessing concurrently with (his?) Ashera. Although these texts were discovered several decades ago, it was only during the nineteen nineties that a thoroughgoing discussion started. In this discussion it was more and more obvious that a fundamental reorientation of the whole area of Old Testament and related Ancient Near East Religion studies was necessary. In the circles of academic scholars there seems to be ever greater acknowledgement of the fact that the pre-exilic Jewish religion and the religions of surrounding nations formed some kind of „continuum" sharing the common „pool“ of religious words, images and institutions. Further development of these religions toward diversification was a slow and long lasting process. Thus we have to consider the pre-exilic Jewish religion as a subset of the Canaanite religion, and the OT biblical religion as a subset of the pre-exilic Jewish religion. This thesis is supported by several other examples and by the simultaneous and synergic development in the field of archeology of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age Palestine.


. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 159-169.

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Byl J. L. Hromádka luterským teologem? Několik poznámek k Hromádkově reflexi luterské vyznavačské tradice


Martin T. Zikmund


WAS J. L. HROMÁDKA A LUTHERAN THEOLOGIAN? (A few remarks on Hromádka’s reflections of the Lutheran confessional tradition)

Hromádka was at least in his younger years considered a Lutheran theologian but he never accepted the Lutheran tradition as his own, On the contrary, he expressed poignantly his reservations concerning certain features of Luther's theology (especially the attitude to worldly power and obedience to authorities). While respecting the strength and incisiveness of Luther’s teaching, Hromádka repeatedly proclaimed his proximity to Calvin. Sometimes Hromádka’s inconsistencies and errors concerning the practical attitude toward state authorities are ascribed to his alleged Lutheran orientation. But the roots of the problem are rather to be sought in the discrepancy between Hromádka’s theological views and practical attitudes.


ZIKMUND, Martin T. Byl J. L. Hromádka luterským teologem? Několik poznámek k Hromádkově reflexi luterské vyznavačské tradice. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 170-177.

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Recenze: Eberhard Jüngel: Das Evangelium von der Rechtfertigung des Gottlosen als Zentrum des christlichen Glaubens


Filip Susa


SUSA, Filip. Recenze: Eberhard Jüngel: Das Evangelium von der Rechtfertigung des Gottlosen als Zentrum des christlichen Glaubens. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 178-180.

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Recenze: L. S. Schearing - S. L. McKenzie (ed.): Those Elusive Deuteronomists: The Phenomenon of Pan-Deuteronomism


Viktor Ber


BER, Viktor. Recenze: L. S. Schearing - S. L. McKenzie (ed.): Those Elusive Deuteronomists: The Phenomenon of Pan-Deuteronomism. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 180-183.

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Recenze: Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe


Jan Štefan


ŠTEFAN, Jan. Recenze: Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 183-185.

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Recenze: T. Machula (ed.): Teologické studie


Jindřich Halama


HALAMA, Jindřich. Recenze: T. Machula (ed.): Teologické studie. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 185-187.

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Recenze: Z. B. Bouše: Epilegomena


Jan Heller


HELLER, Jan. Recenze: Z. B. Bouše: Epilegomena. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 188-191.

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Recenze: Jan Heller: Vocabularium biblicum septem linguarum (hebraico-graeco-latino-anglico-germanico-hungarico-bohemicum)


Petr Sláma


SLÁMA, Petr. Recenze: Jan Heller: Vocabularium biblicum septem linguarum (hebraico-graeco-latino-anglico-germanico-hungarico-bohemicum). Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 191-192.

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