2016/2 (22)

Komenský a islám


Vít Machálek


Comenius and Islam

The attitudes of J. A. Comenius towards Islam stemmed from the medieval stereotypes (coupling Islam with self-indulgence, violence etc.) and concepts of the period of Reformation and denominationalism (putting Muhammad on the same level as the pope, calvino-turcism). They were also linked to eschatological expectations and hopes for the christianization of the Muslims. At the same time, however, Comenius e.g. in his life work Consultatio and especially in Bibliorum Turcicorum dedicatio, his only text focused exclusively on Islam, trended towards revisiting of prejudices, and the attitude of tolerance and respect. While Comenius fought categorically against breaking of the orthodox confession of faith in Christ and the Triune God within the Christianity, in respect of Muslims he was able to regard their veneration of Jesus as the prophet to be a reason for the Christians to show tolerance to them. In spite of all the ambiguity of his attitudes, Comenius may be declared one of the forerunners of the interreligious dialogue and an inspirational author even for today’s theologians struggling for both the dialogue with Islam and the faithfulness to the Christian identity.


Machálek, Vít. “Komenský a Islám.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 2, 2016, č. 93–104.

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Kresťanská identita ako stelesnený príbeh: Perspektíva teológie príbehovosti


Pavol Bargár


Christian Identity as an Embodied Story: A Perspective of Narrativist Theology

This study is based on the premise that human identity is founded on stories. Christian identity is also founded on a particular story – the story of Jesus Christ. It follows that theology is critical reflection of this story. Narrative theology is a school which emphasizes this point of departure. The study introduces not only continuing contributions of narrative theology but also its potential weaknesses. In the pursuit of their at least partial overcoming, this paper suggests speaking of narrativist theology instead, following from the difference between story and narrative. Subsequently, it argues for the need for the Christian church and theology to be involved in a generous and open dialog with various narratives of the Christian story and with various narratives of other stories. Finally, it suggests understanding (the Christian) story as something which must not be merely narrated, but also ritually enacted and embodied.


Bargár, Pavol. “Krest’anská identita ako stelesnený príbeh: Perspektíva teológie príbehovosti.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 2, 2016, s. 105–25.

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This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Moudrost po časech své krize – v knize, jíž propůjčila jméno


Jiří Hoblík


Die Weisheit nach der Zeit ihrer Krise – im Buch, dem sie ihren Namen verliehen hat

In diesem Aufsatz wollen wir den Begriff „Krise der Weisheit“ neu begründen und in Beziehung zum Ausgang der so verstandenen Entwicklung des hellenistisch-jüdischen sapientialen Denkens setzen. In der deuterokanonischen Sapientia Salomonis sehen wir einen relevanten Beleg für unsere Fragestellung. Hier widerspiegelt sich die differenzierende Auseinandersetzung mit der griechischen Philosophie sowie mit der neu gestellten traditionellen Frage nach dem Zusammenhang von Tun und Ergehen. Die Verteidigung der im Buch stark exponierten Weisheit versucht insbesondere ihr Nutzen für alle sie liebenden Menschen mannigfaltig zu demonstrieren.


Hoblík, Jiří. “Moudrost po časech své krize - v knize, jíž propůjčila jméno.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 2, 2016, s. 126–44.

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This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Starý zákon a teologie: Interpretace Písma podle Waltera Moberlyho


Viktor Ber


Old Testament and Theology: Interpretation of Scripture According to Walter Moberly

This article reviews the work of Walter Moberly as the prime illustration of the approach called „theological interpretation of Scripture“. First, Moberly himself and his key monographs are introduced. Next is presented the question of religious commitment in biblical interpretation along the lines of discus-sion between Moberly and Barton. After this, two chapters from Moberly’s The Theology of the Book of Genesis are discussed to demonstrate the critical potential of this scholar’s exegetical and theological work; one of these chapters is concerned with the interpretation of Genesis 12:1–3, the other one with Abraham as a proposed basis for the dialog between Christians, Jews and Muslims. The article closes with general evaluation of Moberly’s work.


Ber, Viktor. “Starý zákon a teologie: Interpretace Písma podle Waltera Moberlyho.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 2, 2016, s. 145–57.

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This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

List Filemonovi podle nových českých překladů


Peter Cimala


The Letter to Philemon according to New Czech Bible Translations

The article examines Paul’s letter to Philemon in four new Czech Bible translations published in the years 2009–2011: Český studijní překlad (Czech Study Translation), Bible pro 21. století (Bible for 21st century), Jeruzalémská bible (Jerusalem Bible) a Slovo na cestu (God’s Word for the Journey). Besides this, the paper examines benefits and limits of the study and comparison of various biblical translations that was already observed by St. Augustine (De Doctrina Christiana). In the first part, the focus is briefly on the typology of the selected translations, in the following and most extensive section, selected verses from the epistle are compared and analysed. An attempt is made, by this analysis to evaluate proclaimed purposes or profiles of the new Bible editions. In the final section it is shown, how comparing and careful studying of different Bible translations can serve as a relatively reliable indicator of difficult passages and obscure formulations in the biblical text, and manifold findings from the Epistle to Philemon are categorized.


Cimala, Peter. “List Filemonovi podle nových českých překladů.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 2, 2016, s. 158–76.

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This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

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