2016 (27)



Zdenko Širka


ŠIRKA, Zdenko. Předmluva. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. ix-xii.

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Ivana Noble – akademická dráha a jiné aktivity


Tim Noble


Ivana Noble – Academic Life and Activity. This article examines the academic career of Pro-fessor Ivana Noble. It presents key moments in her life to the extent that these have had an im-pact on her theological work, as well as some other important factors that influence her as a theologian. The article also outlines important themes in Ivana Noble’s books and articles.

Klíčová slova:

Ivana Noble, Academic work, Life, Charles University, Ecumenical studies


NOBLE, Tim. Ivana Noble – akademická dráha a jiné aktivity. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 1-8.

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Co je teologie?


Franitšek Štěch


Today, it is often assumed that everybody knows what theology is. But we are thought by experience that these assumptions often vary in considerable way. Disagreements in theological debates frequently result from deficient reflection of the meanings of theology. In order to avoid such problems, we need to ask the substantial theological questions again: What is theology? And how it is connected to real life? What do we do when we do theology? Seeking to respond, this text meditates about possibilities and limits of defining theology. It asks if and in what sense it can be called “science”, and finally sketches theology as holistic activity characteristic to all Christians instead of experts only. Each theology is auto/theobiography. Theology is story of life which is not God-less, but where God has an indispensable place instead.

Klíčová slova:

Christianity; Theology; Definition; Science; Auto/theobiography


ŠTĚCH, František Co je teologie. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 9-22.

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„A Ježíš prospíval v moudrosti“: Rozprava o pneumatologické christologii


Petr Jandejsek


“And Jesus Increased in Wisdom”: A Debate on Spirit Christology. The article treats the theme of pneumatic or Spirit Christology as it has been developed by theologians of various confessional backgrounds in recent decades. It draws on biblical research and suggests expressing the divinity of Jesus as the presence of God as Spirit in Him. At the same time this allows one to postulate an analogy between His and our relation to God. I pay attention to the christologies of Goeffrey Lampe, Piet Schoonenberg and Roger Haight. I also introduce their critics John Wright and Ian McFarland. Moreover, the debate is enlarged by including an Orthodox theologian Dumitru Stăniloae and a liturgist Neville Clark. The debate opens issues such as pluralism in Christology and the role of experience.

Klíčová slova:

Pneumatic Christology, Spirit Christology, Goeffrey Lampe, Piet Schoonenberg, Roger Haight


JANDEJSEK, Petr. „A Ježíš prospíval v moudrosti“: Rozprava o pneumatologické christologii. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 37-54.

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Otec Jan Meyendorff a ekumenické hnutí


Joost Van Rossum


Klíčová slova:


ROSSUM, Koost van. Otec Jan Meyendorff a ekumenické hnutí. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 55-68.

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Cesta k vyjadreniu jednoty v spoločenstve v dokumentoch Svetovej rady cirkví a Svetového luteránskeho zväzu – spoločenstva cirkví


Michaela Kušnieriková


Fr John Meyendorff and the Ecumenical Movement. The Orthodox theologian Fr John Meyendorff (1926-1992) played a major role in the Ecumenical Movement, having been, amongst other things, Chairman of “Faith and Order” from 1967-1976. Being the successor to Fr Georges Florovsky as one of the main spokesmen for the Orthodox Church in the “Western” world, he insisted that the role of the Orthodox in the Ecumenical Movement should consist in a call for a return to a common experience of the Tradition of the Church Fathers, both in all its fullness or “catholicity”, and in its diversity (sobornost). According to Fr John, it is necessary to make a clear distinction between “good” ecumenism (having an open mind and respecting each other’s differences) and “wrong” ecumenism (looking for an easy and superficial compromise).

Klíčová slova:

John Meyendorff, Orthodoxy, Ecumenical Movement, Secularism, Sobornost


KUŠNIERIKOVÁ, Michaela. Cesta k vyjadreniu jednoty v spoločenstve v dokumentoch Svetovej rady cirkví a Svetového luteránskeho zväzu – spoločenstva cirkví. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 69-82.

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Vatikán II a Kréta I jako vykročení stejným směrem? „Vztahy pravoslavné církve ke zbylému křesťanskému světu“ pod lupou


Peter De Mey


Parallel Agendas of Vatican II and Crete I? A Close Look at ‘Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World’. In this article I compare both the process and some partial results of the 2016 Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church with the Second Vatican Council which the Catholic Church organized in 1962-1965. I will first compare a few more general aspects of the Second Vatican Council with the pan-orthodox Council. I will limit myself to the role of theologians, of canon law, and of the observers. Thereafter I will focus on the document Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World, which allows for a fruitful comparison with Unitatis Redintegratio and Lumen Gentium, and also contains comments on the post-conciliar time of ecumenism.

Klíčová slova:

Orthodox Church, Councils, Second Vatican Council, Ecumenism, Ecclesiology


de MEY, Peter. Vatikán II a Kréta I jako vykročení stejným směrem? „Vztahy pravoslavné církve ke zbylému křesťanskému světu“ pod lupou. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 83-98.

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Výzvy ekumenické hermeneutiky v současnosti a okolnosti jejího vzniku


Zdenko Širka


Challenges of Ecumenical Hermeneutics in the Presence and Circumstances of its Origin. This article deals with the development of hermeneutics in the dialogue between confessions within the ecumenical movement, from its beginnings in 1927 until the current time. The arti-cle brings an overview of historical circumstances, critically presents the main documents of ecumenical hermeneutics, including contemporary tendencies and challenges. Special attention is given to the various models of ecumenical hermeneutics, influence of philosophical herme-neutics, as well the role of hermeneutical questions in contemporary ecumenical dialogue.

Klíčová slova:

Hermeneutics, Ecumenical dialogue, Tradition, Church


ŠIRKA, Zdenko. Výzvy ekumenické hermeneutiky v současnosti a okolnosti jejího vzniku. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 99-119.

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Tradice jako rozum a praxe: Podpoření současné ortodoxní teologie v rozhovoru s Alasdairem MacIntyrem


Aristotle Papanikolau


Hermeneutics, Ecumenical dialogue, Tradition, Church

Klíčová slova:

Tradition, Alasdair MacIntyre, Contemporary Orthodox theology


PAPANIKOLAOU, Aristotle. Tradice jako rozum a praxe: Podpoření současné ortodoxní teologie v rozhovoru s Alasdairem MacIntyrem. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 123-134.

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Integrálne poznanie a holistická vízia pre teológiu


Parush Raykov Parushev


Integral Knowledge and Holistic Vision for Theology. The paper reflects on the ways in which a vision of reason ascending to heavenly or eschatological realities inspired two philosophical theologians to come to a similar understanding of holistic knowledge. It takes a look first at the emergence of the notion of “integral knowledge” in the writings of Ivan Kireyevskiy – a key nineteenth century Russian Orthodox religious philosopher. It presents next the theological vision of a contemporary North American Baptist theologian James McClendon, whose post-modern non-foundational take on the theological task leads him to consider a complex web of human convictions intertwined in an integrated and holistic mode of theological reasoning. Attention is paid to the relevance of patristic notions of theosis and pleroma for enquiring into the intellectual quest of the two thinkers.

Klíčová slova:

Integral knowledge, Holistic reasoning, Baptist theological vision, theōsis, plerōma


PARUSHEV, Parush. Integrálne poznanie a holistická vízia pre teológiu. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 135-146.

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Problém vývoje dogmatu v současné pravoslavné teologii: První pohled


Pantelis Kalaitzidis


The issue of the Dogmatic Development in Contemporary Orthodox Theology: A First Approach. The issue of dogmatic development is not often raised and discussed among Or-thodox theologians. Despite the fact that it took a central place inside Western theology, it has remained marginal among contemporary Orthodox theologians, although it is related and in-volved to a series of crucial themes of Eastern theology, and especially, among others, to the concept of tradition, as well as the topic of apophaticism and the wider discussion on the function and limits of reason in dogmatic theology. But if we look closer at this topic, we will realize that there is a whole spectrum of attitudes, positive or negative, of the Orthodox toward the issue of dogmatic development. I will discuss in my paper the positive Orthodox approaches to dogmatic development.

Klíčová slova:

Contemporary Orthodox Theology, Dogmatic development, Apophaticism, Soloviev, Bulgakov, Stăniloae, Papadopoulos, Florovsky


KALAITZIDIS, Pantelis. Problém vývoje dogmatu v současné pravoslavné teologii: První pohled. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 147-162.

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Mezi uvnitř a vně: Překročení dualistického pohledu na prostor s Gastonem Bachelardem a Louis-Marie Chauvetem


Kateřina Bauerová


Between Inside and Outside: Overcoming Spatial Dualism with Gaston Bachelard and Louis–Marie Chauvet. In the process of the recognition of the other we also think within the adverbs of space inside and outside. These adverbs are part of a dualistic way of thinking and as such bring ontological determination, where inside is connected with fullness of being and outside with the lack of being. Behind these metaphorical expressions of space lies alienation and division and as a consequence also bring asymmetry into anthropology and human relationships, where the insider (of the church) stands in opposition to the outsider, who is characterized as a stranger or even worse as an enemy. What other metaphors can be used to overcome the separation caused by this inside-outside dualism? With the help of the French phenomenologist Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962), especially with his philosophical investigation of inhabited space, and the contemporary French sacramental theologian Louis-Marie Chauvet (1942-), I will explore the possibilities of how to surmount the spatial dualism which goes hand-in-hand with the instrumental notion of being and language.

Klíčová slova:

Space, Dualism, Inside, Outside, Louis-Marie Chauvet, Gaston Bachelard


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. Mezi uvnitř a vně: Překročení dualistického pohledu na prostor s Gastonem Bachelardem a Louis-Marie Chauvetem. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 163-176.

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Goetheho ‚Rímske prázdniny‘: Utopická imaginácia pre teológiu sveta


Michael Kirwan, SJ


Goethe’s “Roman Holiday”: Utopic Imagination for a Theology of the World. The article attempts a ‘theological interpretation of culture’ along the lines proposed by Ivana Noble in her book by this name (2010). It examines the spiritual journey of Johann von Goethe, and the moment of tense questioning in Faust when she asks her lover Faust about his religious beliefs - the Gretchenfrage. Is there a way of reconciling her traditional devotion and Faust’s sophisticated post-Christian ‘religion of striving’? Professor Noble suggests such a reconciliation in a theology of the world as both gift and task. This article explores the hints of such a synthesis, not in Faust, but in an earlier work, Italian Journey, the narrative of the poet’s life-transforming visit to Rome in 1786.

Klíčová slova:

Theology of the world, Theology and culture, Rome, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the Gretchenfrage.


KIRWAM, Michael, Goetheho ‚Rímske prázdniny‘: Utopická imaginácia pre teológiu sveta. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 23-36.

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Publikační činnost prof. Ivany Noble, Ph.D. 1992-2016


Zdenko Širka


ŠIRKA, Zdenko. Publikační činnost prof. Ivany Noble, Ph.D. In: ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016, s. 183-195.

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