
Kázání při zahájení oslav 100 let fakulty (Lk 18,9–14a)


Petr Pokorný


POKORNÝ, Petr. Kázání při zahájení oslav 100 let fakulty (Lk 18,9–14a). Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2020, sv. 34, č. 2, s. 1-5.

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Teologie na univerzitě?


Petr Gallus


Theology at the university? Understanding, studying and even doing academic theology at university does not require faith as a necessary condition. Theology requires faith as its object, because theology is rational and critical reflexion of the communication of Christian faith. As such, theology should be in principle understandable to anyone, regardless if he or she does or does not share the existential standpoint of Christian faith. Nevertheless, what makes theology the Christian theology is that theology speaks from the perspective of Christian faith. It is, however, possible to do this in a hypothetical way, without the necessity to share this perspective existentially. This simple differentiation makes theology open and accessible to all interested and moreover, it legitimates its place within the university.

Klíčová slova:

theology; theological faculty; university; Christian faith; rationality


GALLUS, Petr. Teologie na univerzitě? Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2020, sv. 34, č. 2, s. 7-15.

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Teologie a církev. Realita a vize vzájemného vztahu v pluralitní společnosti


Tabita Landová


Theology and church. The reality and vision of their relationship in the pluralistic society. The article reflects upon the contemporary relationship between the Protestant academic theology and church practice in the context of pluralistic and consumerist society, focusing – above all – on the situation in the Czech Republic. It deals with the relationship between the theology pursued at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague and the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, which has changed gradually after the faculty became a part of Charles University in 1990. After a critical analysis of the present situation, the article outlines a vision of the mutual dependence and interconnection of theology and church practice, and finally points out to the role of liturgy as an important reference point for forming the self-understanding of both church and theology.

Klíčová slova:

Protestant theology; church; university; Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University; Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren


LANDOVÁ, Tabita. Teologie a církev. Realita a vize vzájemného vztahu v pluralitní společnosti. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2020, sv. 34, č. 2, s. 17-29.

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Teologie mezi církví a univerzitou. Vídeňská Evangelická teologická fakulta po rozpadu habsburské monarchie


Karel Schwarz


Theology between church and university. The Faculty of Protestant Theology in Vienna after the dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy. The article presents the history of the Faculty of Protestant Theology in Vienna from its beginnings in 1821 until 1922 when it was incorporated into the University of Vienna. Before the foundation of the Protestant Theological Faculty in Prague, many of Czech theologians studied there. However, the further development of both institutions in the newly established republics was not the same. Although both strived to become parts of the local universities, due to the different political circumstances and approaches only the Viennese faculty was successful in this endeavour.

Klíčová slova:

theological education; theological faculty; University of Vienna; Charles University in Prague; dissolution of Austria-Hungary; separation of church and state


SCHWARZ, Karel. Teologie mezi církví a univerzitou. Vídeňská Evangelická teologická fakulta po rozpadu habsburské monarchie. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2020, sv. 34, č. 2, s. 31-42.

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Evangelická teologie na pražské univerzitě


Martin Vanáč


Protestant theology at Prague University. This article presents a discussion about the Faculty of Theology at the Czech University in Prague from the end of the First World War to the beginning of the Second World War (1917–1939). At the time the Protestant Theological Faculty was established, a request was made in Parliament to remove the Catholic Theological Faculty from the University. In the end, this was not the case, but the Protestant Theological Faculty (Hus Czechoslovak Protestant Theological Faculty) had to be established as an independent Faculty outside the University. The efforts of Hus Faculty to be incorporated into the University were unsuccessful in this period due to the negative attitude of the non-theological faculties (mainly the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science).

Klíčová slova:

history; theology; faculty of Protestant theology; theology at university; Charles University in Prague; theology and science


VANÁČ, Martin. Evangelická teologie na pražské univerzitě. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2020, sv. 34, č. 2, s. 43-61.

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K nejstarším pokusům vyjádřit program evangelické teologické fakulty v Praze


Oto Halama


On the oldest attempts to express the program of the Protestant Theological Faculty in Prague. The study tries to define the first attempts to express the program of the Protestant Theological Faculty in Prague in the form of widely cited sources. The basic sources of this work here are mainly reports from the proceedings of the Czechoslovak Parliament in the years 1918–1919, the official Church periodical press and also the texts of prof. Ferdinand Hrejsa (1867–1953) from the same period.

Klíčová slova:

1918–1919; Hus Czechoslovak Protestant Theological Faculty in Prague; theological education; Ferdinand Hrejsa


HALAMA, Oto. K nejstarším pokusům vyjádřit program evangelické teologické fakulty v Praze. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2020, sv. 34, č. 2, s. 63-87.

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Vzdělávání evangelických bohoslovců za Protektorátu


Lydie Roskovcová, Vladimír Roskovec


Education of the protestant ministers during the Protectorate. The Hus Faculty, where the candidates of ministry in the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB) were trained, was closed on November 17, 1939, together with all Czech universities. This situation led the Synodal Council of the ECCB to seek alternative ways of providing education for its clergy. The first attempt was a full-time course in 1940, but it emerged that its participants were not able to meet the demands. Therefore, a correspondence course was organized in the following years: the participants were regularly provided with study materials and essay topics were assigned to them, and just on certain dates they were invited to come for lectures and oral exams. Many participants of those courses were employed by the church as “provisional deacons” in the ECCB congregations. Based on the documents from the archive of the Synodal Council, the present article surveys the contents of the courses as well as their teachers and participants. The dozens of participants in the years 1940–1945 included both former students of the closed Hus Faculty and new candidates. After reopening of the Hus Faculty in May 1945, the course participants could quickly complete

Klíčová slova:

church history; history of the church during the World War II; theological education; Hus Czechoslovak Protestant Theological Faculty in Prague; Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren; Synodal Council; correspondence course; provisional deacon


ROSKOVCOVÁ, Lydie a Vladimír ROSKOVEC. Vzdělávání evangelických bohoslovců za Protektorátu. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2020, sv. 34, č. 2, s. 89-103.

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Vyrovnávání se s minulostí a rehabilitace na ETF UK od roku 1990


Peter Morée


Coping with the past and rehabilitations at PTF UK since 1990. The fall of the communist regime in November 1989 led to profound changes also at the Comenius Protestant Theological Faculty in Prague. Compared to similar institutions both abroad (Eastern Germany) or in Czechoslovakia the changes at this faculty were much smaller. The vast body of its teachers continued, now joined by a few, who under the communist rule experienced a ban on their professional careers. The years up to 1995 saw three types of rehabilitations. In the first place the faculty was rehabilitated as a academic institution as it was incorporated in Charles University. Secondly, students who in the previous decades were expelled from the faculty for political reasons, were offered apologies and the opportunity to finish their studies. These two types of rehabilitation were widely supported and therefore were performed smoothly. More difficult was the third step, which concerned the way the faculty had developed the discipline of theology in times of oppression. Here teachers of before 1990 and those who came new had different views. Though both managed to establish good relations, this part of the rehabilitation process was unfortunately never concluded.

Klíčová slova:

Comenius Protestant Theological Faculty; Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University; fall of communism; Velvet Revolution; transformation; coping with the past; dissidents; rehabilitation; Josef Smolík; Jakub Trojan; Martin Prudký; Czech Protestantism


MORÉE, Peter. Vyrovnávání se s minulostí a rehabilitace na ETF UK od roku 1990. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2020, sv. 34, č. 2, s. 105-122.

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„Aby náležitě byli připraveni pro své budoucí povolání duchovenské.“ Několik poznámek k tématu: farář jako absolvent ETF UK


Ondřej Macek


“…To be properly prepared for their future spiritual profession.” Comments on the topic of preparing graduates from the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University. Founded in 1919, the Hus Czechoslovak Protestant Theological Faculty in Prague, according to its statutes, was supposed to prepare protestant ministers for their future vocation. Is it at all possible for a minister to be the ‘end product’ of a theological university education? In this article the author explores the most important concepts of pastoral theology that appeared in German Protestantism during the 20th century. (Germany, and to some extent also Austria and Switzerland, all strongly influenced Czech protestant theology at that time and there are still very close relationships within this area.) The author comes to the conclusion, best summarised in Martin Luther’s own words: “Vivendo, immo moriendo et damnando fit theologus, non intelligendo, legendo aut speculando.”

Klíčová slova:

practical theology; pastoral theology; minister; clergy; mystic; piety; theological education


MACEK, Ondřej. „Aby náležitě byli připraveni pro své budoucí povolání duchovenské.“ Několik poznámek k tématu: farář jako absolvent ETF UK. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2020, sv. 34, č. 2, s. 123-132.

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Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. Theologické vzdělání pro 21. století


Jan Štefan


Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. Theological education for the 21st century. When comparing theology with law or medicine, the sigh of Roman philosopher Seneca “Non vitae, sed scholae discimus” applies to it. When comparing theology with philosophy, Aristotle’s praise of philosophy as a science which is not necessary for a practical life applies to it. The author self-critically reflects on the current form of the academic teaching and study of Protestant theology in Prague and considers how theology should be taught and studied here in the future. The ideal transformation would mean restoring the original unity of theology. The pragmatic resignation will put up with the fragmentation of theology into its separate disciplines. The transition from the German model to the Anglo-Saxon model by incorporating the non-theological disciplines such as psychology and sociology means a radical reform. The balancing the proportions of theological disciplines by reducing the historical disciplines and strengthening the systematic and practical disciplines of theology means a moderate reform of the theological curriculum.

Klíčová slova:

fundamental theology; theological disciplines; theological education; Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University; Protestant theology; reform of theological study


ŠTEFAN, Jan. Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. Theologické vzdělání pro 21. století. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2020, sv. 34, č. 2, s. 133-141.

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