Rok: 2012
Ročník: 20
Číslo: 1
Název: Neštěstí a vina, odvaha a spolupráce
Uspořádali: Bohumila Baštecká a Jindřich Halama
Bohumila Baštecká, Jindřich Halama: |
Úvod |
I. Recenzované příspěvky |
Jan Munzar, Stanislav Ondráček: |
Povodeň jako jedna z možných přírodních katastrof v České republice |
David Labus: | |
Viktor Ber: | |
Ondřej Fischer: | |
Ondřej Kolář: | |
Petr Jandejsek: | |
II. Nerecenzované příspěvky a příspěvky z praxe |
Ludvík Armbruster: |
Klimatické a náboženské zázemí japonských postojů |
Robin Shoen Heřman: |
Pohromy a duchovní odpovědnost – z perspektivy japonské (buddhistické) tradice |
Zdeněk R. Nešpor: |
Česká společnost, náboženství a katastrofy 20. století |
Ladislav Beneš: |
Neštěstí a vina z pohledu teologie |
Daniela Gabrielová: |
Jak je možné odpustit? |
Helena Klímová: |
Vina za přežití? |
Marta Kocvrlichová: |
Vina a neštěstí v některých (českých) pohádkách |
Květoslava Princová: |
Vina jako motivace dárců v rozvojové a humanitární pomoci |
Karel Šimr, Jiří Weinfurter: |
Neštěstí, vina a obec |
Naděžda Pelcová: |
Výchova k odvaze a odvaha vychovávat |
Pavel Ruml: |
Není bojování naše proti tělu a krvi (Ef 6,12) |
Joža Spurný: |
Odvaha svědčit: svědek ve výslechové situaci |
Jan Štefan: |
Odvaha a věrnost: svědectví očima theologa |
Jiřina Šiklová: |
Hrdinové a „práskači“ aneb Jen si tak hvízdnout |
Karel Šimr: |
(První) pomoc v Bibli |
Jan Hamr: |
Já, viník! Vina z pohledu viníka dopravní nehody |
Fedor Gál: |
Hranice pomoci |
Dagmar Lieblová: |
Zrod Terezínské iniciativy |
Tereza Hurychová: |
Odvaha na misi a ve službě |
Radek Kříž: |
Cesta tam a zase zpátky |
Marie Valečková: |
V řadě s vrahem |
Eliška Žemličková: |
Svědkem zločinu |
Autor: |
Jan Munzar, Stanislav Ondráček |
Abstrakt: |
Flooding as one of the possible natural catastrophes in the Czech Republic The Czech Republic was affected by two disastrous floods in a very short period of five years. The case in Moravia and Silesia in July 1997 became the “flood of the 20th century”. Whether the second case, in Bohemia in August 2002, will become the “flood of the 21th century” will be known only later to our descendants. Because there were relatively fewer floods in the 20th century than in the 19th century, the damage and casualties were undoubtedly greatly contributed to by the loss of historical memory, particularly so in 1997. In order to revive the historical memory and to search for analogies and generalizations for the future it is therefore necessary to document floods, their impact, and their interactions, examining all available sources of information as far back in the past as possible. It is therefore an urgent requirement to have available a comprehensive survey on historical floods even before the beginning of regular hydrological measurements (which have only been made for a relatively short period from the secular point of view). A number of European countries adopted preventive measures after the recent floods, taking into account lessons learnt from historical and geographical investigations. In addition to series of hydrological observations, the documentation of historical floods is to be found in the pre-instrumental era not only in various historical printed and manuscript sources but also in historical maps, preserved pictures (engravings, photographs), in preserved material monuments in the field, and so on. |
Citace: |
MUNZAR, Jan a Stanislav ONDRÁČEK. Povodeň jako jedna z možných přírodních katastrof v České republice. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2012, sv. 20, č. 1, s. 3-17. |
Autor: |
David Labus |
Abstrakt: |
The Power of Catastrophes, the Power of Visions The article provides a brief survey of the historical development of the attitude to catastrophes and disasters in Japan, of means of coming to terms with them, and instruments for overcoming them. It highlights three types of vision in the modern age, which helped unite the population in attempts to create common values: the construction of the modern state in the period before the First World War, the national concept of the powerful state in the 1930s, and the concept of economic growth after the Second World War. At the same time it notes that these three great visions now belong to the past, and that recent catastrophes such as Kyoto and Fukushima show that finding a common unifying vision is becoming increasingly difficult. |
Citace: |
LABUS, David. Síla katastrofy, síla vize. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2012, sv. 20, č. 1, s. 18-28. |
Autor: |
Viktor Ber |
Abstrakt: |
Seeking Courage in the Esther Story The present study discusses the issue of courage in the book of Esther. It concentrates on some suggested genres of the book of Esther, namely “wisdom narrative”, “heroic narrative”, and “a purim- text”. The narrative is found to combine wisdom, heroic and parodic elements so as to offer a unique and inspiring text for today. |
Citace: |
Seeking Courage in the Esther Story The present study discusses the issue of courage in the book of Esther. It concentrates on some suggested genres of the book of Esther, namely “wisdom narrative”, “heroic narrative”, and “a purim- text”. The narrative is found to combine wisdom, heroic and parodic elements so as to offer a unique and inspiring text for today. |
Autor: |
Ondřej Fischer |
Abstrakt: |
Courage as a virtue Courage is sometimes regarded as one of the virtues that are praised by civil society. It was also the case with the prize-giving ceremony to commemorate Mr. Michal Velišek. At the seminar held to mark this occasion, “Courage for every day”, the author of this paper asked whether courage can be regarded as one of the virtues. In comparison with the virtue of bravery he argues that to refer to courage as a virtue without further qualification could be misleading. Virtue in the Aristotelian sense implicitly entails further qualities, which might not be sufficiently present in the character of every courageous person. Referring to the biblical term PARRHESIA, and to the real story of an English humanitarian worker Sean Deveraux (1964–1993), it is argued that courageous acts have to be embedded in a trustworthy foundation of respected values. Courage does not express this requirement as clearly as does the Platonic-Aristotelian virtue of ANDREIA, which is better translated as bravery. If nowadays we tend to praise courage rather than bravery, then perhaps we lack the need to root courageous actions in a good foundation through an authentic bond. One might notice as an interesting fact, that the virtue of “integrity”, which today expresses very well the contemporary need for such a unity, does not yet have an equivalent in the Czech language. |
Citace: |
FISCHER, Ondřej. Odvaha jako ctnost. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2012, sv. 20, č. 1, s. 36-42. |
Autor: |
Ondřej Kolář |
Abstrakt: |
Church and State: Cooperation, Rivalry, or Passing One Another By This paper takes as its starting-point the account in chapter 7 of the Acts of the Apostles, in which the task of the Church in a society affected by disaster is described in an almost exemplary way. Although the Apostle Paul is a prisoner, he supports his fellow-travellers with both word and deed and opens up new horizons of hope. A general model for coexistence between the Church and society (or the Church and the state), however, can hardly be derived from this account, because the historical relationship between the two institutions has varied widely over time. Three basic strategies of the Church in her dealings with the state can be identified: cooperation, resistance, and withdrawal into an apolitical existence. In a democratic and secularised society the service of the Church is usually to be found exclusively in diaconical activity, although other functions of the Church (for example, those relating to church services, proclaiming the Gospel, and koinonia) are also not without relevance for the state. The calling of the Church likewise includes its political involvement, which should lead to public protests in cases where humanity is threatened. In the current trend towards the privatisation of religion, however, the Church is inclined to give up her political responsibility. |
Citace: |
KOLÁŘ, Ondřej. Církev a stát: spolupráce, soupeření nebo míjení? Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2012, sv. 20, č. 1, s. 43-50. |
Autor: |
Petr Jandejsek |
Abstrakt: |
On forgiveness, remembering, and grace: a contribution to the spirituality of reconciliation The article aims to highlight the importance of the spirituality of reconciliation, primarily in connection with the training of helping professionals. The author draws mainly on the work of Robert Schreiter, Alistair Little, Miroslav Volf and Jon Sobrino. It is argued that the concepts of forgiveness and remembrance are and must remain ambiguous. The fruits of forgiveness often emerge unexpectedly as gifts. Therefore the language of mercy seems appropriate. It speaks about hope as the ultimate reason for reconciliation and claims that “being accepted and forgiven” precedes any activity on our side, however important. Yet lessons learned in practice, secular as well as pastoral, and the hope flowing from the Christian faith show that it is still worth trying to develop knowledge and skills which are important if we want to accompany other people who struggle with guilt and seek reconciliation. The article argues that the practice and theory of reconciliation must go hand in hand and mutually clarify each other. |
Citace: |
JANDEJSEK, Petr. O odpuštění, vzpomínání a milosti: příspěvek ke spiritualitě smíření. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2012, sv. 20, č. 1, s. 51-62. |
Univerzita Karlova
Evangelická teologická fakulta
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110 00 Praha 1
221 988 216
ID datové schránky UK: piyj9b4