2019/1 (25)

Rétoricko-narativní strategie Janova evangelia – dialog a ironie


Jiří Lukeš


The Rhetoric-Narrative Strategy of the Gospel of John – Dialogue and Irony

The study examines the role of rhetoric and orality in the ancient world and analyzes selected texts of John's Gospel from this perspective. The focus is on the dialogue of Jesus with those who go through anagnórisis, which applies, for example, to the Samaritan woman (John 4:1–42). The text of the dialogue fits well into the late antiquity milieu, where revelation, oracular, peripathetic and temple dialogues were well known. Irony is a key element in the Johannine dialogues of Jesus: it increases dramatic tension, creates a second plan, adds existential meaning, shapes the psychodynamics of the reading process, and enables the anagnórisis of the characters. The argumentation is supported by the symmetrically structured dispositio of the unit, which begins with the dialogue of two characters who are not expected to be talking to each other and end with a collective confession. The study also deals with narrative tools within the rhetorical persuasion strategy.


Lukeš, Jiří. “Rétoricko-narativní strategie Janova evangelia - dialog a ironie.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 1, 2019, s. 3–22.

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Proč autor První knihy Makabejské poukazoval na společný původ Sparťanů a Židů?


Štepán Lisý


Why Did the Author of 1 Maccabees Point to a Common Origin between the Spartans and the Jews?

In the past, the answer to the question in the title has been searched in attempts to prove or refute the assertion in terms of its historicity. However, the decision whether the common origins, alliances, or friendship between the Jews and the Spartans are a fiction or a fact still does not elucidate the reasons and intentions of the author for making such assertion at the time of his writing. I attempt to show that the reference to the common origins was related to a debate about the ancient character of the constitutions and laws. We find in Plato a similar scheme: he asserts a common origin between Athenians and the inhabitants of Egyptian city Saïs, in order to prove the ancient character of Athenian constitution and laws. It is possible, that the author 1 Maccabees uses the same kind of argument, borrowed from Greek authors.


Lisý, Štěpán. “Proč autor První knihy Makabejské poukazoval na společný původ Spart’anů a Židů?” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 1, 2019, s. 23–39.

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Liturgia semper reformanda


Tabita Landová


Liturgia semper reformanda. Theological and Anthropological Challenges for Protestant Liturgics

The Reformation churches are based on the rule of permanent renewal according to the God’s word. How does the “Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren” (ECCB) reflect upon this requirement in liturgics? Which principles are important for critical reflection on liturgy and for preparation of liturgical books? The contemporary liturgics faces many anthropological as well as theological challenges. However, in the last decades, practical anthropological approaches seem to dominate the field, whereas the theological perspective is rather pushed aside. By the same token, such situation concerns the principles that are decisive for preparation of the new agenda of ECBB. Therefore, we should finally embark upon critical re-examination of the current approaches and deal not only with the questions such as “How to do liturgy?”, but also with principal theological questions such as “What is liturgy?”. It is necessary to reflect on ambiguous nature of liturgical work that strives to manage something that is, in principle, far from being manageable by human activity.


Landová, Tabita. “Liturgia Semper Reformanda: Teologické a antropologické výzvy pro evangelickou liturgiku.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 1, 2019, s. 40–57.

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Človek na ceste za Pravdou: teologická antropológia Milana Balabána


Pavol Bargár


The Human Being in Quest for Truth: Milan Balabán’s Theological Anthropology

The present article explores the concept of theological anthropology as proposed by Czech protestant theologian and biblical scholar Milan Balabán (1929–2019). In dialogue with Balabán and other theologians from various parts of the world, it examines what it means to be human from the perspective of Christian theology. The proposed answer is a result of several steps. The article argues that humans are complex and contextually contingent beings, severely marked by sin, yet called to seek and follow the Truth. The proposed thesis is that human beings, created in God’s image, attain their full humanity in response to the calling to follow the Truth in the process of transformation of the whole reality.


Bargár, Pavol. “Človek na ceste za pravdou: Teologická antropología Milana Balabána.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 1, 2019, s. 58–72.

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ČCE – českobratrská, nebo evangelická?


Jan Štefan


Evangelische Kirche der Böhmischen Brüder – eine böhmisch-brüderliche, oder eine evangelische Kirche?

In seinem Beitrag zum Symposium zum hundertjährigen Jubiläum der Existenz der Evan-gelischen Kirche der Böhmischen Brüder fragt Prager systematischer Theologe, selber ordinierter Pfarrer der EKBB, nach der evangelischen Identität dieser im Jahre 1918 entstandenen kirchlichen Union. Verstehen wir unsere Bezeichnung „böhmisch“ als eine Ortsbestimmung, oder als eine Sachbestimmung? Er stellt fest, dass es in der EKBB vom Anfang an zwei Linien gab: (1) eine „böhmisch-brüderliche“ der politisch nationalistischen und theologisch liberalen Historiker der böhmischen Reformation, und (2) eine „evangelische“ der politisch pro-westeuropäischen und theologisch barthianisierenden Schüler von J. L. Hromádka. Nach der Meinung des Verfassers sind die tschechischen Protestanten längst keine „böhmischen Brüder“ mehr, sonder einfach „die Evangelischen“; aus diesem Grunde befürwortet er die vorgeschlagene Umbenennung der EKBB auf die „Evangelische Kirche im Tschechien“.


Štefan, Jan. “ČCE - Českobratrská, nebo evangelická?” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 1, 2019, s. 73–87.

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James W. McClendon a úkol teologie


Petr Macek


James William McClendon and the Task of Theology

James William McClendon Jr. (1924–2000) was a significant American theologian who was known as a prime representative of narrative theology and a propagator of “baptist vision”, the understanding of baptism not as another Protestant denomination with some specific emphases but as an alternative ecclesial tradition next to Roman-Catholicism, Protestantism and the Orthodox Church. His “Ten Theses on the Task of Today’s Theology” are introduced here at the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of their presentation.


Macek, Petr. “James W. McClendon a úkol teologie.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 25, č. 1, 2019, s. 88–92.

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