Rok/Year: 2002
Ročník/Volume: 2
Číslo/Issue: 8
Jan Milič Lochman |
Teologie a univerzita: příspěvek k akademické spiritualitě |
Jiří Hoblík | |
Jiří Kašny | |
Josef Smolík |
Pokání jako radikální obrat v křesťanském čtení starého zákona |
Martin T. Zikmund | |
Pavel Košťál | |
Autor: |
Jan Milič Lochman |
Abstrakt: |
THEOLOGY AND UNIVERSITY: A CONTRIBUTION TO ACADEMIC SPIRITUALITY In this lecture given on the occasion of his being awarded a Historical Medal by Charles University (to mark his 80th birthday), J. M. Lochman demonstrates the contribution made by theological faculties to the academic spirituality of universities, basing himself on the inscription on the main building of the University of Basel: “Mortalis homo ex dono Dei per assiduum studium adipisci valet scientiae margaritam quae eum ad mundi arcana cognoscenda dilu- cide introducit et infimo loco natos evehit in sublimes,” He develops his reflections in three stages: (1) A university is a community based on demanding and persevering academic work, but is also pervaded by an atmosphere of grateful joy for the grace and beauty of the gift of knowledge. (2) Ethical issues are once again of topical interest in university settings in the sense of personal and civic responsibility for academic research, particularly in regard to those who are in any way disadvantaged. (3) Referring to God in connection with academic spirituality helps to overcome totalitarian claims in the academic world and in society, to demytho- logise academic research and politics, to free success from its rigidity, and to awaken the hope that academic work is not subject to the curse of Sisyphus. |
Citace: |
Jan Milič Lochman. "Teologie a univerzita: příspěvek k akademické spiritualitě." Teologická reflexe. 2002/2 (8), s. 101-109. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Jiří Hoblík |
Abstrakt: |
MAXIME DER PROPHETISCHEN SENDUNG (JES 6) Die vorliegende Studie versucht die bisherige modeme Erforschung des Visionsberichtes Jes 6 neu zu bewerten und mit einer grundsätzlichen Beschränkung der sog. Rückprojizierungshypothese, die oft als Ausgangspunkt für die Suche nach dem Ursprung des Textes dient, die Interpretation des Ganzen besser zu verankern. Es liegt eine ganze Reihe von Argumenten vor, die die Darstellung der außergewöhnlichen prophetischen Sendung als die Intention des Berichtes bestätigen - gegen die übliche Auffassung als eines Berufungsberichtes. Es wird auch das sehr sorgfältig aufgebaute Textgefüge beschrieben, die die Multidimensionalität Jes 6,1-11 aufweist und die dadurch einen Verarbeitungsprozess unter der Nachfolgerschaft Jesajas verrät. Doch kann man im Text auch den ursprünglichen Motiven begegnen, die Jesaja schon zur Interpretation und Artikulation der eigenen Vision aufgreifen konnte. Diese theophanische Vision wurde auch zum ersten Anstoß für den vorliegenden Bericht sowie für die Verschärfung der jesajanischen Unheilsverkündigung. In V. 9b und 11b wurde die prophetische Unheilsbotschaft zwar nicht zitiert, dennoch ist sie hier für den Bericht adaptiert und beides muß man zusammen sehen, was in der Exegese nicht geschieht. Ebenso darf man den Charakter des Visionsberichtes nicht geringschätzen. |
Citace: |
Jiří Hoblík. "Maxima prorokova poslání: Zatvrzení (Iz 6)." Teologická reflexe. 2002/2 (8), s. 110-137. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Jiří Kašny |
Abstrakt: |
MIXED MARRIAGES IN CANON LAW For centuries the regulations of canon law relating to mixed marriages had a defensive character and discouraged Catholics from marrying non-Catholic partners. Their aim was to unilaterally pro- tect the faith of the Catholic partner in a mixed marriage and required guarantees from the non-Catholic partner that any children born in the marriage would be baptised in the Catholic church and brought up in the Catholic religion. The current norms, as set out in the Codex of Canon Law of 1983 and the Ecumenical Directory of 1993, while not underestimating the difficulties that may arise in mixed marriages due to differences of belief, are based on a positive approach. Mixed marriages are places where it is necessary to respect the religious freedom of both partners. They also create a space for deepening faith and mutual witness to belief, and make a unique contribution to the ecumenical movement. |
Citace: |
Jiří Kašny. "Smíšená manželství v kanonickém právu". Teologická reflexe. 2002/2 (8), s. 138-151. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Josef Smolík |
Abstrakt: |
REPENTANCE AS A RADICAL CHANGE IN CHRISTIAN READING OF THE OLD TESTAMENT The author draws attention to the growing role o f the Jewish rabbinic interpretation of the Scriptures for Christian hermeneutics and exegesis. He observes that reading of the OT practically disappeared from Christian worship for many centuries. Only after the terrible events of the 20th century did the church become sensitive to anti-Judaistic elements in its tradition and started discovering the Jewish understanding of the Scriptures as a challenging and enriching perspective. It is primarily the Jewish concept of time and wholesome understanding of reality that present the challenge for our hermeneutics. The canonical approach in biblical scholarship, overcoming historicism and discovering a plurality of meanings in hermeneutic approaches can be seen as signs of possible convergence in interpreting the Scriptures. |
Citace: |
Josef Smolík. "Pokání jako radikální obrat v křesťanském čtení starého zákona." Teologická reflexe. 2002/2 (8), s. 152-167. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Martin T. Zikmund |
Abstrakt: |
HROMADKA’S DISPUTE WITH LUTHER The author of the article puts forward the thesis that the Czech theologian J. L. Hromadka, originally a Lutheran, moved away from Lutheranism mainly because he was unable to identify with Luther’s concept of the relationship between the law and the gospel, in which he rightly recognised the fundamental key to the interpretation of Lutheranism as a whole. In distancing himself from this Lutheran principle he was influenced not only by the decline in the state of the German Lutheran church and theology under the National Socialist government, but also by certain liberal theological tendencies that had a lasting effect on Hromadka’s theological thinking. |
Citace: |
Martin T. Zikmund. "Hromádkova pře s Lutherem." Teologická reflexe. 2002/2 (8), s. 168-178. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
Autor: |
Pavel Košťál |
Abstrakt: |
THE IMAGE OF THE TRUE CHRISTIAN IN THE WORK OF MATĚJ OF JANOV Matěj of Janov belongs primarily to the current of moral reform within the Roman Catholic Church linked with the devotio moderna movement, an independent offshoot of which can be found in the second half of the 14th century in the Czech setting, too. The spirit of devotio moderna is particularly evident in Matéj’s view of the true Christian, whom he sees as someone who offers himself up completely to Christ and serves him with all his heart, who loves and imitates the humiliation, shame and pain of Christ’s cross, who for the sake of God denies himself and brings before God his contrite spirit and grief-stricken and subservient heart. If we examine Matéj’s concept of the true Christian, we cannot avoid the impression that in spite of many differences it is comparable with the image of the Christian in the foremost work of Dutch devotio moderna-Imitado Christi. |
Citace: |
Pavel Košťál. "Obraz pravého křesťana u Matěje z Janova." Teologická reflexe. 2002/2 (8), s. 179-199. |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). |
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