2015/2 (26)

Mezi jinakostí a identitou


Filip H. Härtel


Between Alterity and Identity. This text concerns mutual dependence between the need of identity and call of hospitality. With special regard to works of Richard Kearney and Bernhard Waldenfels, it tries to reinterpret identity and hospitality not as two contradictions, but as a possibility of deepening of our identity as well as openness to alterity

Klíčová slova:

Evropa, identita, jinakost, intersubjektivita, uprchlíci


HÄRTEL, Filip H. Mezi jinakostí a identitou. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 3-13.

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Vliv protestantismu na vývoj evropských lidských práv


Alexander Kokobili


The Influence of Protestantism on the Emergence of Human Rights. The rise of Protestantism in Europe came as a wake-up call to both the church and the State for the conception of human dignity as a necessity for the protection of human rights as an inalienable right given by God in the holy Bible. Early human rights in Europe were influenced by Calvinist reformation in the sixteenth century with its influence spreading across Geneva to other places like: France, England, Germany and Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic and Slovakia). In general, the impact of the early Protestant movement in Europe propelled the continent into a society of freedom and human liberty with its Christian ideas of tolerance and love spreading across the region. The views of the United States of America became the leading ideology in establishing the western legal system in the eighteenth century as well as the formulation of the United Nations (UN) Declaration of Universal Human Rights after the World War in 1948.

Klíčová slova:

Inalienable rights, Human dignity, Human rights, western legal system, Calvinist reformation


KOKOBILI, Alexander. Vliv protestantismu na vývoj evropských lidských práv. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 15-23.

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Napodobování příbuzného Vykoupení a nový život podle Katechetické řeči Řehoře z Nyssy


Markéta Bendová


Imitation of a Kinsman: Redemption and the New Life according to the Catechetical Oration of Gregory of Nyssa. Gregory of Nyssa is convinced that man can be redeemed only through a free and deliberate imitation of God’s virtues. On the other hand, he thinks that the principle of resurrection and new life extends from the Son of God to the whole of humanity and he describes this extension as a quasi-scientific process. The paper seeks to show a close connection of both aspects of salvation, as it could be seen in the Catechetical Oration of Gregory of Nyssa: according to Gregory, a human being can be saved only through a voluntary imitation of someone who has been already akin to it.

Klíčová slova:

Gregory of Nyssa, Catechetical Oration, Redemption, Baptism


BENDOVÁ, Markéta. Napodobování příbuzného Vykoupení a nový život podle Katechetické řeči Řehoře z Nyssy. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 25-34.

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Alexej Nesteruk a jeho koncepce„dvojí intencionality víry“


Radek Labaj


Alexei Nesteruk and his concept of dual intentionality of faith. The aim of this article is to introduce Alexei Nesteruk’s approach to the so called science-theology dialogue. As an Eastern Orthodox theologian and a physical cosmologist he wants to rearticulate the “mystery of man and the universe” employing the existential phenomenology. His theological reinterpretation of the key concepts of the late Husserl’s philosophy, namely, the life-world (Lebenswelt) and teleology, along the lines of the “French debate” (“theological turn in phenomenology”), is the main contribution of Nesteruk’s fruitful research resulting in a critique of the prevalent ways of the science-theology dialogue in the West and in opening new vistas for reinterpretation of the key theological concepts of Patristic theology in the current philosophical language. His inspiring vision of the “dual intentionality of faith” provides not only a holistic picture of reality but also a more personal and “humble” approach to our being in the world.

Klíčová slova:

Alexei Nesteruk, phenomenological theology, science-theology dialogue, teleology, Lebenswelt, intentionality of faith


LABAJ, Radek. Alexej Nesteruk a jeho koncepce„dvojí intencionality víry“. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 35-53.

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Teologické chápanie biskupského úradu vo vzťahu k apoštolicite církvi v starokatolíckej tradícii


Martin Kováč


Theological Understanding of the Episcopal Ministry in the Relation to the Apostolicity of the Church in the Old Catholic Tradition. This study deals with the selected ecclesiological specifics of the Old Catholic churches of the Union of Utrecht. What makes the church ‘apostolic’? How can our current churches remain in continuity with the early church of the apostles? And what role does the Episcopal ministry play in this process? Is it possible to realize the ministry of episkopé in different forms? In our study we seek to find answers to these and similar questions from the perspective of the Old Catholic ecclesiological tradition.

Klíčová slova:

Old Catholic church; Union of Utrecht; apostolicity; eposcopacy, ecclesiology


KOVÁČ, Martin. Teologické chápanie biskupského úradu vo vzťahu k apoštolicite církvi v starokatolíckej tradícii. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 55-66.

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Biografické a teologické prvky v korespondenci Sergeje Bulgakova a Alexandra Meňe s Johanou Reitlinger


Ludmila Miriam Kristová


Biographical and Theological Strands reflected in the Correspondence of Fr Sergii Bulgakov and Fr Aleksander Meň with Sr Johanna Reitlinger. This

article considers some biographical and theological strands in the correspondence of Sr Johanna Reitlinger (1898–1988), a renowned 20-century iconographer and Orthodox Christian consecrated person, with her two spiritual fathers, Fr Sergii Bulgakov (1877–1941) and Fr Aleksander Meň (1935–1990). Since her life experience included flight from the Bolshevik revolution and years of living in the Russian diaspora in the West (Czechoslovakia and France), upon her eventual return to the Soviet Union in her final years, Sr Johanna served as a symbolic living bridge connecting the diasporic and the domestic aspects of one and the same Russian Orthodox tradition.

Klíčová slova:

Johanna Reitlinger, Alexander Men, Sergei N. Bulgakov, Russian orthodoxy, Russian revolution, spiritual correspondence


KRISTOVÁ, Ludmila Miriam. Biografické a teologické prvky v korespondenci Sergeje Bulgakova a Alexandra Meňe s Johanou Reitlinger. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 67-75.

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Metafora ženy jako církve v druhé knize Scivias Hildegardy z Bingen


Magdaléna Šipka


Woman as the Metaphor for the Church in the Second book of Scivias by Hildegard of Bingen. The article is focused on the visionary work of Hildegard of Bingen. It discusses in detail Mary-symbolism and Ecclesia-symbolism in the second book of Scivias.

Klíčová slova:

Hildegard of Bingen, mysticism, mariology, iconography, Scivias


ŠIPKA, Magdaléna. Metafora ženy jako církve v druhé knize Scivias Hildegardy z Bingen. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 77-85.

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Wilhelm Hartwig


Alena Vantová


Wilhelm Hartwig. Sent by the Moravian Church Wilhelm Hartwig worked as preacher in the eastern part of Bohemia. He travelled between villages and towns and preached the gospel. He saw the horrible situation around Lanškourn and decided to help young boys, who begged for bread and clothes. He bought and built an orphanage for boys in Dolní Čermná and became first director of a Moravian orphanage of the thirty-seven years. He sought the funds for financing the orphanage and cared for the spiritual education of the children.

Klíčová slova:

Moravian Church, Wilhelm Hartwig, orphanage, Austria-Hungary, 19th Century


VANTOVÁ, Alena. Wilhelm Hartwig. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 87-103.

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Subjekt a církev v praktické teologii Henninga Luthera


Jakub Ort


A Subject and the Church in the Practical Theology of Henning Luther. The article deals with Henning Luther’s practical theology. It puts it into the context of the empirical or anthropological turn in German practical theology which occurred during the end of the 1960’s and beginning of the 1970’s. It meant abandoning normative theological concepts as well as focusing on the church, and instead inquired into lived religion and religious subjects in their diversity. Yet, the article demonstrates that Luther stresses above all openness, incompleteness and fragility of the human subject, pursuing a perspective different from that of most representatives of this turn. To conclude, I deduce what Luther’s understanding of subject means when applied to the church and connect it with Czech context.

Klíčová slova:

Henning Luther, practical theology, emprical turn, practical theology

of subject


ORT, Jakub. Subjekt a církev v praktické teologii Henninga Luthera. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 105-118.

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Teologie dětství v pojetí Karla Rahnera


Petra Bandhauer


A Theology of Childhood according to Karl Rahner. Karl Rahner influenced the further development of the catechesis and religious education in the Roman Catholic Church, and beyond, with his thoughts of childhood. His theology of Childhood changed the view of the educators: the children and teenagers became motivated to think and speak freely about the themes of Christian faith, it enabled them to be competent to form their own opinions and to express themselves in religious and theological issues.

Klíčová slova:

religious education, spirituality of children, childhood, Karl Rahner


BANDHAUER, Petr. Teologie dětství v pojetí Karla Rahnera. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 119-131.

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Divergence české a slovenské konfesněprávní úpravy: Vývoj od roku 2007


Tereza Halasová


Divergence of religious law in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. An introduction of the issues involved. This article offers a discussion of the problems regarding disparate developments in the applications of religious law in the Czech Republic and Slovakia from 2007. It also points out differences between the legal positions of new religious movements in Czech and Slovak societies. The legal position of the new religious movements in the Czech Republic seem to be improving in relation to the status of the established church institutions. The legal position of the new religious movements in Slovakia, in relation to the accepted church institutions, is currently strongly rejected. A solution for the new religious movements in Slovakia has been found through involvement in the Civil Association. This access will be compared through one particular example of the new Christian movement operating in both of these countries.

Klíčová slova:

Religious law, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, New Religious Movements, legal positions, church institutions, Civil Association


HALASOVÁ, Tereza. Divergence české a slovenské konfesněprávní úpravy: Vývoj od roku 2007. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 133-151.

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Orální historie a narativní teologie


Michael Pfann


Oral History and Narrative Theology. This paper is concerned with the emphasis that narrative theology, specifically in the work of Johann Baptist Metz, laid on narrative. The key role of narrative is demonstrated in analysis of oral history interviews with ministers, conducted by the author. The analysis supports the thesis, that narrative is an effective means for expression of living character of faith and for expression of experience of faith itself. The last chapter proposes certain applications of narrative for future use.

Klíčová slova:

Oral History, Narrative Theology, Johann Baptist Metz, narrative, experience, faith


PFANN, Michael. Orální historie a narativní teologie. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 153-172.

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Společenství Dvanáct kmenů a jeho učení o spáse


Anna Pokorná


The Community of Twelve Tribes and their Soteriology. This paper describes the life of a new religious movement – The Twelve Tribes – concerning its salvation teaching. Theological statements are based on observation, discussions with the members of the community, and available publications. I found that the community operates with two different concepts of salvation – individual and collective. Thee teaching of individual salvation, says grace is gifted to a man as a potential for salvation. It however requires proper response – a life devoted to God, a life in the community. Collective salvation then concerns the whole community as a holy nation of God. It has a major eschatological aspect: The Twelve Tribes anticipate the second coming of Messiah.

Klíčová slova:

The Twelve tribes, The messianic communities, salvation


POKORNÁ, Anna. Společenství Dvanáct kmenů a jeho učení o spáse. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2015, sv. 26, č. 2, s. 173-184.

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