2018/1 (30)

Co je ona reformace, jejíž výročí si připomínáme? Příspěvek k ujasnění pojmů


Martin Wernisch


What is this Reformation whose anniversary we are celebrating? A contribution towards clarifying terms. After a complicated and varying development, the concept of Reformation was distinguished from a vague expression for virtually any form of reform and became related specifically to the process of the genesis and establishment of the Protestant churches. In historiography it also served for some time as a designation for an epoch in general history, but fairly soon this came to be called into question. However, in terms of theology and church history the term still continues to make good sense. The author argues that it should not be abandoned without any good reason and given over to chaos once again. He therefore prefers the established group of terms Reformation, Catholic Reformation, and Counter-Reformation rather than the term “Protestant and Catholic Reformations” that has emerged recently. However, this also means relinquishing the concept of the “first” and “second” Reformations – no matter how ingenious a tool it had been for Czech church historians in coming to terms with an anomaly that emerged in the 19h century, when Czech historians failed to adapt to the main European trend.

Klíčová slova:

Reformation, reform, Semper Reformanda, Counter-Reformation, terminology.


WERNISCH, Martin. Co je ona reformace, jejíž výročí si připomínáme? Příspěvek k ujasnění pojmů. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 1-33.

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Ospravedlnění bezbožného člověka. Závisí na tomto článku všechno, co učí, jak jedná a na čem trvá evangelická církev v 21. století


Jan Štefan


The justification of the godless. Does everything that the Protestant church in the 21st century teaches, how it acts, and what it insists on – does this all depend on this article of faith? The author poses Luther’s question about the central nature of the article of faith on justification, and answers it with a commentary and interpretation based on a survey of how German Protestant theology dealt with this theme in the 20th century, including the approaches taken by biblical (New Testament) theology, historical theology, systematic theology (fundamental theology, ecumenical theology, dogmatics, and ethics), and practical theology (homiletics, poimenics, and liturgics). In his own response he follows on from Barth’s Christological treatment of this fundamental article of Protestant faith: the message and teaching of justification are like a relative verbum in relation to an absolute fact – the event of justification, which occurred with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Klíčová slova:

justification, Reformation, 20th-century Protestant theology, the Protestant church in the 21st century.


ŠTEFAN, Jan. Ospravedlnění bezbožného člověka. Závisí na tomto článku všechno, co učí, jak jedná a na čem trvá evangelická církev v 21. století. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 35-67.

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Vnější slovo a víra v srdci. K teologii bohoslužby a liturgické reformě Martina Luthera


Tabita Landová


The Outward Word and the Faith in the Heart. On the Theology of Worship and Liturgical Reform of Martin Luther. The liturgical reform of Martin Luther developed out of his doctrine of justification. It represents one of the most important transformations in the history of Christian worship. In it, worship is conceived primarily as beneficium rather than sacrificium. In connection with the cultural transformation, the communication between God and man enacted in the liturgy was transformed as well. It moved from a sensory perception of the sacred to the communication of faith through words and music, from material to verbal representation, from seeing to hearing, from outwards to inwards. This change has influenced the shape of Protestant worship until the present day. However, nowadays many liturgical theologians are coming to the conclusion that the development of Protestant liturgy was one-sidedly focused on verbal communication. The non-verbal outward aspect of worship has been overshadowed. The article explores to what extent Luther really eliminated the outward dimension of worship and examines in detail which of his liturgical reforms have a lasting significance for contemporary Protestant liturgics.

Klíčová slova:

Martin Luther, liturgy, worship, reform, word, sacrament, faith


LANDOVÁ, Tabita. Vnější slovo a víra v srdci. K teologii bohoslužby a liturgické reformě Martina Luthera. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 69-88.

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Problematické aspekty Lutherova odkazu


Petr Macek


Rather unfortunate issues in the Reformer’s inheritance. The article deals with some problematic aspects of Luther’s legacy. These include firstly the much-criticized strong anti-Judaism of the Reformer’s latter days. It was rooted in the apocalyptic accent of his polemics with all his major ideological adversaries but that does not justify its theologically questionable nature. The other issue is Luther’s view of the state authority and readiness to use it for ideological objectives. The Reformer’s controversial concept of two kingdoms does not prevent and may facilitate the misuse of the state power. Though Luther cannot be held responsible for events in modern German history, both issues tragically intertwined in it.

Klíčová slova:

Reformation, apocalypticism, anti-Judaism, two-kingdoms doctrine


MACEK, Petr. Problematické aspekty Lutherova odkazu. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 89-111.

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Deficity Lutherovy reformace, nebo luterské deficity českého evangelictví?


Jan Štefan


Deficits of Luther’s Reformation, or Lutheran deficits in Czech Protestantism? A Prague systematic theologian, himself a minister of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, first poses the question of the Lutheran elements in the theology of his church, which has now been a United one for nearly a century. On the basis of a textbook on church history by Rudolf Říčan he establishes in which ways Luther’s Reformation appears to have deficits as seen in the light of the Czech Reformation. He then brings to the attention of his co-religionists two special teachings of Luther which they have either forgotten about or rejected through failing to understand them: the doctrine of the Law and the Gospel, and the doctrine of the two kingdoms. He concludes by stressing the difference between a Protestant biblical theology and an un-Protestant biblicism.

Klíčová slova:

Lutheranism, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Rudolf Říčan, biblicity and traditionalism, distinguishing between the Law and the Gospel, two-kingdoms doctrine.


ŠTEFAN, Jan. Deficity Lutherovy reformace, nebo luterské deficity českého evangelictví? Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 115-137.

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Co je člověk? Teologická antropologie ve světle reformační teologie


Petr Gallus


What Is a Human Being? Theological Anthropology in the Light of Reformation Theology. From the perspective of the Christian faith, the subject of theological anthropology is the human being in his/her eschatological existence, i.e. in the existence coram Deo. The eschatological existence, however, is founded externally, and therefore it goes beyond the human self-experience. The eschatological existence is founded in God and constitutes the true identity of every human, as it was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The eschatological existence is hence at the same time a critical measure of every actual human existence and shows its sin and ambiguities. The new, contingently arisen understanding of one’s own existence in the light of the eschatological existence constitutes a new freedom of responsibility and love.

Klíčová slova:

theological anthropology, human, eschatological existence, Jesus Christ, understanding


GALLUS, Petr. Co je člověk? Teologická antropologie ve světle reformační teologie. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 139-151.

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Od Jana Husa k Martinu Lutherovi. O tom, jak se stal Jan Hus součástí luterské reformace


Peter Morée


From Jan Hus to Martin Luther. How Jan Hus Became Part of the Lutheran Reformation. This study examines the change that took place in the originally negative attitude of Martin Luther towards Jan Hus. Luther identified himself with the Bohemian reformer in terms of his example and inspiration by 1520 at the latest, but he was aware of some important differences. This process gave rise to a symbolic depiction of this relationship in the form of a goose and a swan.

Klíčová slova:

Jan Hus, Martin Luther, Bohemian Reformation, German Reformation, Leipzig Disputation, Johannes Eck, Goose and Swan.


MORÉE, Petr. Od Jana Husa k Martinu Lutherovi. O tom, jak se stal Jan Hus součástí luterské reformace. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 153-165.

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Sola scriptura. Smysl Lutherovy teze


Petr Pokorný


Sola scriptura. The Meaning of Luther’s Statement. The intention of this article is to elucidate Luther’s principle Sola Scriptura – a definition of the Holy Scripture as the norm of Christian teaching and life. The author investigates the role of the Law and the Prophets in Jesus and in the Early Church and then he defines the theological foundations of the Christian biblical canon – of the New Testament: In the theological project of Mark his Gospel is a necessary foreword (arché, cf Gen 1:1) to the oral gospel about Jesus’ resurrection (euangelion, Mark 1:1). The Christian canon (New Testament) originated as a counterpart to the Jewish Bible. The entire process is marked by the intention to point towards God as the living authority over the Scripture. But for this testimony the Scripture is indispensable.

Klíčová slova:

Jesus Christ, Bible, Christian Canon, Sola Scriptura, Gospels


POKORNÝ, Petr. Sola scriptura. Smysl Lutherovy teze.Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 167-181.

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Pavlova teologie prismatem reformačních principů


Jan Roskovec


Pauline Theology Seen through the Prism of Reformation Principles. The Apostle Paul is unquestionably the main biblical key to Reformation theological thought. This article attempts to take the opposite approach: to use the scheme of Reformation theology, expressed in the watchwords of the “Reformation principles” (particulae exclusivae), to create a clearly arranged summary of Pauline theology. It classifies under the principle of Sola Gratia the Pauline interpretation of God, who displayed (“revealed”) his own quintessential nature when through the death of Christ he defended forgiveness as justice. The article links Solus Christus with the Pauline theology of the cross, in which is to be found the core of the Pauline view of the world and its transformation which occurred with the coming of Christ. Finally, it links the Pauline image of the human being transformed by God’s power with the watchword Sola Fide.

Klíčová slova:

Pauline theology, Pauline Christology, Pauline anthropology, Pauline soteriology, Reformation principles, justification, faith, theology of the cross


ROSKOVEC, Jan. Pavlova teologie prismatem reformačních principů. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 183-194.

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Lutherův výklad Podobenství o Samařanu a o Družičkách


Jiří Mrázek


Luther’s Interpretation of the Parables of the Good Samaritan and the Ten Brides maids. The article examines Luther’s work with New Testament parables. Working from two prominent examples (the Good Samaritan in Luke 10 and the Ten Bridesmaids in Matth 25), it compares our understanding of the parables today with how they were viewed by exegetes before Luther, especially in the patristic period, and also with Luther’s approach to the texts. The article comes to the conclusion that Luther introduces new themes, but not a new method. He continues to use an allegorical interpretation and an allegorical “inventory”.

Klíčová slova:

Luther, exegesis, parables, Good Samaritan, parable of the ten bridesmaids, allegorical interpretation of the Bible


MRÁZEK, Jiří. Lutherův výklad Podobenství o Samařanu a o Družičkách. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 195-212.

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Janovo evangelium v reformaci


Jan Roskovec


The Gospel of John in the Reformation. The rediscovery of the Scripture that played a major role in the Reformation is rightly associated mostly with the writings of the Apostle Paul. The Johannine writings which form another theologically distinctive part of the New Testament are not often focused on in this connection. However, Martin Luther repeatedly expressed high esteem for the Fourth Gospel and also several times preached continually on texts taken from it. In the flood of biblical commentaries that were published by the theologians of the Reformation, there was also a good number of expositions of the Gospel of John. The article presents a survey of the most important of these and in a couple of probes it tries to show how some of the Johannine texts and theological motifs were approached by Reformation exegesis – not only by Luther but also by Jan Hus or Jean Calvin – and by the authors of the confessional writings.

Klíčová slova:

exegesis in the Reformation, Gospel of John, Reformation commentaries, Wedding in Cana (Joh 2:1–11), Martin Luther, Jean Calvin, Jan Hus, Book of Concord


ROSKOVEC, Jan. Janovo evangelium v reformaci. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 213-232.

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Česká literární bilance Lutherova jubilejního roku


Ondřej Macek


A Survey of the Czech Literary Reaction to Luther’s Anniversary Year. Although the Czech lands were “affected” by Lutheranism, and churches which profess the Augsburg Confession (1530) as their determining document have been active here without interruption since 1781, Czech readers were not particularly well equipped for the advent of Luther’s year in 2017. There was a lack of translations of Luther’s writings or of a modern biography of the reformer. In the survey in this article the author describes the Czech literary production relating to Martin Luther that has come out of the anniversary year. He presents the various original studies, translations, and popular monographs that have recently come into the hands of Czech readers. And in conclusion he notes that for the first time those who can read Czech have sufficient opportunities to become familiar with Luther’s life story and basic thinking. For example, works translated into Czech include Albrecht Beutel’s monograph, a whole series of shorter writings by Luther, letters, prayers, and in particular the fundamental work De servo arbitrio; a Roman Catholic reflection from the pen of Walter Kasper has been published; and teachers at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University have contributed several scholarly studies.

Klíčová slova:

books, studies, translations, survey, review


MACEK? Ondřej. Česká literární bilance Lutherova jubilejního roku. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 30, č. 1, s. 233-238.

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